Chapter 13: Movie

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"Lisa, don't start closing your eyes. The movie hasn't started yet, plus how are you going to enjoy a movie with your eyes close?"  I laugh as I watch Lisa 

"Stay put, I'm going to grab us some popcorn and drinks," I said to her

I made my way out of their theater room. I'm still not used to how big this place is, never in my life have I ever been to a house with a theater room in it. I was shocked when I stumbled upon it, Lisa found me while I was in awe of the room. She asked if I wanted to use it, and I quickly said yes, so we decided to watch a movie together.

With two buckets of popcorn, drinks, and other snacks on the tray, I return to the room. Finding Lisa still perching on her seat, she got up to help me grab things the minute she saw me back.

I grab the remote and search for our movie, hovering over " Shaun of the Dead"

"What's going on here?"

We both turn to the voice, Lisa smiles " We're about to watch a scary movie"

Griffin stands at the entrance with both his arms crossed and his body propped against the door frame "Hmm sounds interesting" he said, I turn back toward the screen.

"Would you like to join us?" Lisa invites, I chew on my bottom lips and try to get Lisa to make eye contact with me. But she's still looking at Griffin with a smile.

There's silence, I keep my face forward and concentrate on the screen. 

The silence stretches, and I begin to exhale that is until I hear footsteps make their way into the theater room. Soon after, the seat to my right dips and the springs moan against the resistance. 

"Sounds nice," he said

I close my eyes momentarily and pray silently in my head. Please give me strength for things I have no control over. 

I reopen them and keep my gaze forward before pressing play for the movie to start.

Twenty minutes in, I feel movement to my right. Griffin places his arm on the hand rest brushing against mine. I scoot my arm closer to my torso leaving more room for him.

Ten more minutes in, I feel his leg brush against my bare leg I wore shorts today, so I scoot my leg closer toward the opposite side.

Moments later, I feel his leg presses up against mine even more. I quickly look at him, but he's watching the screen intently. 

I shouldn't be thinking too much; I should try to relax and enjoy the movie.

Both Lisa and I laugh at the funny scene. Seconds later, Griffin leans over me to grab the candy in the holder between me and Lisa. His chest brushed against my body giving me a good wasp of his body washes, it smells delightful. I inhale harder to try and gauge what it smells like, he stops in his track, and I realize my nose and lips are pressed against his chest, but I have no room to move! I instantly turn red. Oh my god, I'm a pervert!

Griffin slowly slides his body back to his seat; he looks at me. I'm nervous, what the hell? Why am I like this, I groan internally. 

I keep my head straight ahead. 

Moments more pass and everything is calm, a scary scene comes on and Lisa tries to cover her eyes. I cover with her because deep down inside I'm a coward. 

I feel something touch my bare thighs, I look down to find Griffin's hand dangling over the armrest and the tip of his fingers caressing my thighs. I have no other space to scoot. I look up at Griffin and he's still concentrating on the movie, I turn my attention back to the screen. 

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