Chapter 19: Do We Talk About It?

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I stare at the last DVD, my train of thoughts firing in different directions.

They were in love. This is a mess. This is a big mess, I'm in over my head. If this curse is real and love can't even break it, then what will? Should I just take my brother's advice and just leave? But what about my parents and my brother? Will the curse harm them?

A knocking sound at my door jolted me back from my thoughts "Elena, Mr. Godson would like to see you in the dining room" came Lisa's voice.

My heart drops to my stomach at hearing this, my hands are shaking as I gather all the DVDs and hide them in my backpack "Ok, Lisa. I'll be right there." I manage to reply in what I hope is a calm tone.

I stop what I'm doing when my hands get too jittery, and my breathing gets more erratic. I need to calm myself; I'm going into panic mode.

I close my eyes and breathe out slowly through my mouth and inhale through my nose. Images of my beautiful aunt and the article about Abeila's suicide popped back into my head.

Stop it, Elena. You need to calm down. You can do this; you still have time.

After making sure I look presentable, I leave my room and make my way toward the dining room.

Mr. Godson sits at the head of the dining table with an easy smile on his face while talking to Lisa. Three plates of food had been set up on the table "Elena, please join us." Mr. Godson offers when he notices me in the room.

I smile and walk toward the seat to his left and sit down to join them " Thank you for having me"

"How's school going for you?" He asks as he's cutting into his steak, Lisa taking a sip of her drink

"School been good, lots of projects and homework," I said

Mr. Godson nods as he listens "Spring break is coming up; do you have any plans for it?"

"I'm going to pick up more shifts at The Chef and spend time with Kate" I reply

I cut into my steak as I speak trying my best to act casual.

Mr. Godson is in his casual clothes he looks relaxed but tired. His eyes show signs of lack of sleep, my attention shifts to his hand as he's cutting into his steak, he still has his wedding ring on.

What happened to you, Mr. Godson? Did you love your wife while you were still in love with my aunt?

"Have you spoken with Griffin?" Mr. Godson suddenly ask

I look back up at his face, his eyes focus on me as he waits for my answer "No, I been busy as of late and I'm pretty sure he has his hands full as well."

Mr. Godson takes a sip of his drink as the silence stretches between us

"Have you two kept in contact at all since he departed?"

" No."

Mr. Godson sighs, he puts down his drink as he regards me

"Elena, my boy can be a hot head when it comes to a certain matter. But when he cares for something, he cares for it deeply, he's a lot like his mother in this sense." Mr. Godson's eyes appear to age with unspoken weights as he mentions his late wife. He glances at Lisa who in turn smiles at him sadly. Mr. Godson cleared his throat.

"What I'm trying to say is, I can set up a plane for you to visit him. But he cannot leave because of his training obligations. I am tough on him, but he will learn the required skills" Mr. Godson said

"I..." I begin " I think it's best that he concentrates without distractions, I wouldn't want to bother him." I said

"I don't think he would ever consider you a bother to him." Mr. Godson smile

"It would be a pleasant surprise for him" Lisa chimes in

"Thank you, I'll think about it" I return my attention to my steak, I move the green peas around with my fork as I consider my next question

"You said Griffin is a lot like his mother in that sense. What was she like?" I chance my question

The room grows silent, even the old grandfather clock seems to stop its time ticking sound. I look up from my plate, and both Lisa and Mr. Godson look at me. Lisa slowly turns to look at Mr. Godson, Mr. Godson's eyes remain on me.

My heart thumps in my chest loudly, the fork on my fingers beginning to slide off because of my increasingly sweaty palm, I grip it harder.

"She was a good woman, very loving. Cared for her family deeply." Mr. Godson finally speaks

"We had a very rough beginning...but we made it work or so I thought" a broken chuckle escape his lips; he looks down at the drink in his hand and down the rest of it.

When he looks at me again, his eyes become clearer " My sons are not their mother or me. They are them and they forge their paths. I watched my boys struggle when I was down on my knees fighting to get up, and that was on me. But no more, Elena. This is no longer about me, it's about them. And I'm going to make sure my boys are ok."

My throat suddenly feels dry as I witness the conviction in Mr. Godson's eyes.

Then a smile appears on his lips, they're sad but a smile nonetheless "Tell me more about your workplace"

I proceed with details of my work; we slowly fall back into light conversations. We laugh at a few things that Lisa had done last week. After dinner is finished, I excuse myself back to my room.

I lock the door and place the last DVD into my laptop.

It was a blank DVD, empty. I fall backward onto my bed and stare up at the ceiling.

With a plan in mind, I gather all the DVDs hide them in my sweater's pocket, and place them back in their rightful place.

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