Chapter 14: Weird

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Ever since the movie incident, there's weird energy between me and Griffin, it's hard to explain. I feel less annoyed when he's around now, matter of fact, it's more than just being less annoyed it's just plain weird now. I walked by his room a couple of days ago and caught him taking his shirt off, luckily, he turned in the opposite direction, so he didn't notice me. His solid back muscle almost made me drop my laundry basket right there in the middle of the hallway like an idiot; I quickly made my escape before I got caught.

Who changes their shirt with their bedroom door open? Slightly a jar or not, he should have closed it. Any pervert could have walked by and sneaked a look.

And that pervert was me.

I groan at my shame. I don't know who I had become anymore.

Kate and I make our way into the cafeteria when I have other thoughts and want to keep my distance from Griffin.

Everything is just too weird now.

Kate keeps glancing at me "Are you ok? You seem weird." she said

What a poetic choice of words. 

"I'm ok." I answer, "We should eat outside." I suggest

"It's raining outside." She gives me a look

"Right," I answer

"Are you sure you're ok? You seem awfully more distracted these days." That's my best friend, a very observant Sherlock Holmes.

I sigh "Alright, let's eat in here and I'm not weird. You're weird."

I thought about it this whole weird development could also stem from the fact that I'm now more relaxed after the discovery of the five years claw. That little information had taken a thousand loads off my chest, I'm no longer as stressed which allows my guard to be lower enough for me to enjoy myself.

That must be it.

We make our way to our usual seats; Kate takes out her lunch box while I take out mine. "We should go see a movie this weekend," Kate said taking out her mac and cheese

"Any particular movie you want to see?" I ask taking out my chicken salad sandwich

"Not particularly, if not do you want to come over and we can hang out? Oh! Let's go try that new shaved ice place, I drove by it a couple of days ago and the line is insane, might be really good. Want to try it with me?" Kate takes a bite of her food

"That sounds good. How did your group presentation go?" I take a bite of my food

"It went well, one of the kids has stage fright so I did his part for him...." Kate trails off, her eyes above my head then move to my side I follow her line of sight. "What are you loo-" to my right Griffin sits himself down beside me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him

"I go to school here" he replies in a matter-of-fact manner

"I mean-I know. But why are you seating here? Your table is over there." I said

"Last time I check, I'm pretty sure I can sit anywhere I choose," he said

"Well go choose somewhere else, that seat is taken," I reply

"By whom?" He asks

"Not by you," I reply

"It is now." He said taking a bite of his apple, his tongue darting out to lick the flowing juice on the fruit.

My eyes instantly follow his tongue movement, and his lip stretches into a knowing smile. I look back up quickly and instantly turn red.

"Should I leave? I feel like I should leave." Kate asks looking between the two of us

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