Chapter 24: Into the Night

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My hand moves on its own and place gently on top of Griffin's. He looks down at our joined hands before looking back up at me. 

At this moment in time, all that I can offer him is comfort and he needs it from the look on his face.

"I'm so sorry about your mother," I said softly gazing up at him "You can talk to me, and I'll listen," I said

He looks back out into the darkness for a moment I thought he wouldn't say anything when he suddenly said "She loved apple. My brother and I used to eat them with her in our courtyard. She liked them cut a certain way." He smiles fondly at the memory

"She used to say something about how the skin gives this weird texture to the flavor so she would cut the skin in strips and leave some on the apple just enough because it would give her this perfect flavor." He chuckles softly 

I laugh softly with him "She might have been a genius. That's not a bad idea, a lot of people hate the skin of the apple but most nutrients are on the skin so compromising some would be a good idea."

He turns to me then a smile slowly appears on his lips "I think you might be right" 

The breeze starts to pick up I wrap my arms around my body and look up at the stars when I feel something drape over my shoulders. I look, Griffin had taken off his jacket and placed it on me "Cold?" He asks

I move to take it off my shoulders "No-" He places his hand on top of mine to stop me "Wear it. Keep it warm for me." He said 

His eyes dance under the pale moonlight, and his jacket smells just like him. "Do you still miss her?" I whisper

Somewhere in the distance, I hear laughter and faint music playing through the door.

"Only every single day." He whispers back

I shiver at the look in his eyes "Let's go back inside I don't want you to get sick." He said 

I am coming down with something, but I don't think sickness is it. 

"Hey, you two. Just the people I'm looking for." Logan greets us as we step through the door. "Elena, you look stunning tonight"

"I hope you'll save a dance or two for me tonight," Logan said with a wink

I smile back politely

Logan turns his attention to Griffin; his demeanor suddenly shifts to one of a serious tone " Grandfather is here." He said

Griffin stiffens beside me "Dad talking to him at the west entrance " Logan continues, his eyes sliding to me briefly before switching back to Griffin

"He's asking for you," Logan said, a look passed between the two brothers in silence

"Ok, I'll be right there," Griffin said

Logan turns to me then " Elena, we shall see each other again momentarily." He said before turning and walking away

I look up at Griffin, his mouth is set in a hard line as he continues to look in the direction his brother just left.

He takes out his phone and begins typing, finished he places it back in his pocket before turning to me " I'm going to meet my grandfather, he- he can be difficult to deal with. I'm going to need you to stay here and wait for me." He looks behind me " There you are, are you able to stay with Elena? I need to go now." He said, I looked behind me and greet by Jackie, she smiles at Griffin "Of course"

I watch Griffin leaves "Let's go find a good place for us to sit and talk," Jackie said "It won't take long; we'll be back before he knows it" she adds 

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