Chapter 47: Sophomore Year in High School

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Sophomore Year in High School

"Last night's game was awesome!" Blake belled out

The group chipped in excitement as they walked along the school hallway.

"You got legs of steel, dude!" Other chipped in

Griffin laughed at their theatrical comments

"We should roll out the red carpet for our man!" Blake exclaimed excitedly

Griffin slung his arm over his buddy's shoulder and laughed along with them when something from the corner of his eyes caught his attention.

A white shirt with yellow flowers tugged into oversized jeans. Hair flew past her shoulder, hugging a textbook tight against her chest. She walked into the library.

"Hey, you guys go on ahead. I have something I gotta do." He told his friends before they could stop him, he made his way toward the library.

He had been in here plenty of times before but was never for his schoolwork. 

It never was.

He made his way toward the all too familiar bookshelves and ran his finger along its spine. Some feel velour-soft, others feel abrasive, and his favorite was raw silk smooth. 

The bookshelves gave way to an open pathway, he walked closer.

She stood on tiptoe reaching up for a book.

Her back arch and his eyes follow her curve all the way down to her toes.

His throat felt dry, he swallowed a few times. He stepped forward "Do you need help?" A voice said from behind him.

Griffin paused, she looked right past him, and not once did her eyes glance at him.

His heart thumbs loudly against his chest. She smiled, her eyes downcast in shyness, dark lashes fanned her cheeks, and she looked back up "I'm good, Mr. Mattigon. Thank you."

An expression he had rarely seen from her; she never looked at anyone as such.

He turned to the man behind him, he smiled back at her. But the man's eyes did shift back to Griffin.

They looked at each other and he knew.

      The cafeteria was busy as always; Griffin sat with his friends, but he rarely spoke. Everyone chit chat away, he bit into his apple and chew.

Someone slides into the seat, squeezed in beside him to his left. He did not look, not until he felt something soft against his prompt elbow. He looked down, a pair of breasts pressed up against his arm "Sorry, it's a tight space." A pair of big bright eyes gaze up at him. Reminded him of those crazy cartoons' eyes, too big for their body.

"No worries," he said sliding his left arm in, tugging toward his body.

"Thank you," she said sweetly

"I'm Becky" she continued

He looked at her again still chewing his apple before swallowing. Her eyes follow his throat movement.

"Griffin," he said

"I know who you are," she said until she realized what she just said then giggled in nervousness

"I mean, I was at the game last night. You and your team were amazing." She continued

Griffin took another bite into his apple, her eyes on his lips as he chewed.

"We're having a party tonight, you should come." She said still watching him chew

Griffin swallowed before licking the juice from the corner of his lip, Becky's lips open slightly.

"No, thank you," Griffin said

"My brother coming into town tonight. We're having a family dinner."  He continued

"Oh, ok. Next time is fine."

"Sure." He said before getting up, he tossed his finished apple into the trash bin.

Becky watched Griffin as he walked away before asking a nearby person " Is he dating anyone right now?"

The guys laughed "No. But he doesn't do dating."  Someone said

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