Chapter 11: I'm Going to Get a Closer Look

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We're weaving through traffic; I sway around in the backseat while Jones Kevin concentrates on the road.

I don't know where he learns to drive like that, but he should be on a racetrack, not a taxi driver.

"Where did you learn how to drive?" I yell from the backseat.

At some point during our drive, Jones Kevin asked if he could roll down the window because he likes to feel the rush of the wind on his hair. 

He has no hair, he's bald. 

"I taught myself as a young boy on the backroad of the farm because my dad was always busy with work! " He yells among the throne of noises from the street

"Wow! I think you're in the wrong career, Jones! You should be on a racetrack!" I response 

"Right?!" He beams from the front seat.

The SUV starts to slow down and park outside a coffee shop. 

Jones Kevin find us an open spot a few yards away, and we park. 

Both our eyes are strained on the car watching with eagle eyes to see who'll come out from the other passenger's side. 

My brother's side opened first then the driver got out of the driver's side to open the other side.

Suddenly, the opposite side of my passenger's door opened. 

Both the driver and I are startled, a man in business attire and a suitcase climb in " Take me to Lexicon Place." The man said

We both stared at him before Jones Kevin said " Get out of here! Don't you see I still have a customer in here?" The man in the suit looks at me, then climb back out.

"People now a day just don't know how to read the room anymore." Jones Kevin shakes his bald head

I nod in agreement.

We both turn our attention back to the black SUV, but no one is in sight any longer. 

My brother is gone from the sidewalk, but judging from the SUV still parked, they must have gone inside the shop already. 

I can't see anything inside the shop from here, I'm going to have to get out. " I'm going to get a closer look," I said to Jones Kevin

"Ok, be careful." He replies with a concerned look for his comrade. 

I nod, I do a quick sweep of my surroundings before stepping out of the vehicle.

Jones Kevin sticks his head outside the vehicle "Hey! Do a hand signal if you need backup!" 

I nod and swallow as tension creeps up my spine.

I creep closer toward the coffee shop that's when I realize we never practice our hand signal.

The place looks crowded through the glass window, I have a hard time getting a clear view with people standing in the way. 

I can make out my brother's clothes, he's sitting at the opposite far end from where I'm standing.

He's talking to someone in a suit.

I move a little bit to the right to try and see between the space of people's bodies of the man in a suit. 

I can make out his right hand he sits slightly turned and faces my brother, he has on a Rolex watch, and his hands are big with thick prominent veins, powerful hands. 

I lower my body slightly to adjust the view I can see his neck I squat lower and my breath caught in my throat.

I walk back toward the taxi. I open the door and climb back in. 

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