Chapter 17: One Year Later

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One year later

The restaurant is buzzing with people, I stand at the machine and refill sodas for the customers "Hey Elena, you got a new table" Sarah walks by and told me "Thank you, I'll be right there" finishing up with the soda machine

I go out and greet the new customers "Hi, I'm Elena. I'll be taking care of you today. What can I get you to drink?" customers tell me their drinks, and I write them down and thank them.

I get their drinks and return to the table; I went to my other customers' table and check on them making sure they are ok or if in need of any drink refills.

The day carries on with a constant stream of customers by the end of the night I'm exhausted as I'm cleaning up my last table before I sit down and count my tip out.  

A ding on my phone to alert a text message

Kate: Alex working tonight. Girls' movie night?

I smile reading the message, Alex is Kate's boyfriend, they had been inseparable, they are very much into each other, and I couldn't be happier for my friend.

Me: I'm going to have to rain check tonight. Busy night at the restaurant and I got classes early morning tomorrow

I put my phone away so I can get ready to leave the restaurant. I said bye to everybody.

I make my way to the parking lot where my car is. I saved up enough money to where I can make a down payment for my car, I'm proud and happy with my purchase. I plan to pay off the car in three more years and it'll be officially mine.

I roll down my window on my drive to my parent's house. 

True to his words, my brother moved out eight months ago. He still insists I come with him, knowing him, he will try to shoulder everything once I move in, so I told him no. He needs his freedom and experience life on his own, I don't want him to have to carry me along. I'll figure something out on my own.

I shower and sit up in bed outside starting to rain. Soon there's thunder on the horizon, I pull out my favorite book and continue where I last stopped. Peace and serenity engulf me as I continue to read my favorite book with the sound of rain hitting my roof and window.

I fall asleep to the lulling sound of the thunderstorm rain with my book on my chest.

I wake up to the faint sound of the TV in the living room, I get up and freshen up in the bathroom before I make my way into the living room. My mom is in the kitchen making breakfast "Morning, honey. Do you want any eggs?" My mom asks, I stifle a yawn before replying " I'm ok, mom. I'm just going to make myself a coffee to go before I head to class. Do you want one?" I ask her " I already got one, hon." She said, I notice her cup next to the stove.

"Do you have work today?" My mom asks

"No, but I'll be at the Godson's today," I said

I'm still expected to be there 3 days a week, they don't need me in particular for anything, I usually bring my schoolwork with me and do my homework or help Lisa with things here and there. Sometimes I feel like they just want me there to keep an eye on me, which is more than likely the case. 

As much as I hate to admit this, I grew used to it. Lisa and I had become close, I enjoy spending time with her.

I especially love spending time in their library. It's quiet and peaceful with many perks, besides its vast collection of books. I love their huge display glass window at the far end of the wall, it showcases natural light as they stream into the room giving it this fantasy like land. Absolutely breathtaking, I can spend hours in the room.

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