Chapter 28: New Beginning

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"Elena." Griffin's voice

I wake up with a startle, I look around my new apartment, sweat breaks out on my forehead, and my heart rate spike. 

He's not here, I'm not found.

I pull my blanket back with unsteady feet I walk a few steps to the kitchen for a glass of water.

I take a big swing of it while I wait for my heart rate to slow down.

I look around my 900 sq ft studio apartment, it's open space everything is in one room no wall separation. It's mine and I love it.

It's been 3 months since I landed here, I feel more at ease but not completely relaxed. I constantly look at my door and expect him to bore through it at any given time.

I got a new phone and number since I have been here, but I'm still too afraid to get in contact with Kate yet. Too afraid that he'll be able to track me down.

The chills of the night start to creep up on me, my heart begins to settle down and my body temperature begins to drop. In my shorts and tank top, I grab a robe and tied the sash securely around my waist.

I look at the clock, it's 4 am. I look outside my window, and everything is still dark and quiet, I turn on my coffee machine and the swirled noise come to life in the quiet room.

I open my laptop; the screen's light illuminates the room.

My fingers hover above the keyboard, I want to look him up but I'm too afraid of what I will read. I don't know if he's back, I'm too scared to find out.

I hope Kate and my brother are doing ok. What if the Godson does something to them? It had been my constant fear since I had been here. There had been many occasions where I want nothing more than to pick up my phone and call them, but I kept fighting with myself not to.

I had informed Kate to let my brother knows that I'm ok once I'm gone, but not disclose my location to him. No one is to know except her and her aunt, who had helped me. Until I'm ready.

My handshakes as I close the laptop.

I grab my coffee, sit next to the window and sip on it while my thoughts fly in different directions until I have to get ready for work.

I decided to put on a cute Sunday dress that reaches below my knees, it's one of my favorite dresses that I picked up in my second week here. My hair is growing longer, it's now almost reaching my waist, I plan to have it cut sometime this week, but today I decided to let it flow freely with it down.

The door to the bakery chimes when I pull it open, the person at the cash register looks up at the sound and smiles when her eyes land on me " Hey Elena, right on time. The delivery guy will be here at any minute with our produces, I need to step out and meet this potential catering client." Luz, the owner, said as she begins to make her way out of the counter

" Make sure the product's guy put our stuff in the walk-in fridge, don't let him get away with leaving it outside! They did that last time with Josh and half our products almost spoiled. Let's hope this potential client will stick!" She said

"I will, Luz. Good luck with your meeting!" I said

she begins to put on her jacket with her fingers crossed she smile back at me before pushing her way out the door.

I grab a wet rag from the sanitizer bucket under the counter and begin wiping down all the tables inside the bakery.

I enjoy working here, it's quiet and peaceful right now, but our rushed hours will begin in a few hours when people start their break from the local places.

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