Chapter 58: Sunrise

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"I can't believe you're getting married," Kate said

It's been a few weeks since Griffin proposed, and it still feels surreal. I look down at the diamond ring on my finger with a smile.

We're sitting on our back patio overlooking the ocean blue lake, light breeze in the early morning air, a cup of coffee in our hands.

"You got to let me see that ring one more time," Kate said

I extend my left hand toward her.

"It's beautiful, it's the size of a rock! I bet this is a 10-carat ring" Kate exclaims

The ring has a single oval shape diamond that had been cut beautifully sitting on top white gold band wrapping around my finger. Kate is right, the diamond is big, too big. I can feel its weight on my finger.

"That boy went all out. And don't get me started on this gorgeous house" Kate said

"Can we still be roommates? Can I move in with you guys, I'll be so quiet I swear. You guys can still have your sexy times and I'll stay put on my side of the castle." She continues

"Kate!" I blush at her comments

"Why are you blushing? I know you guys are not staying celibate until marriage, it'll kill that boy. He can't even keep his eyes off you! Let alone his hands and other body parts." Kate laughs

I cover my face in mortification at my best friend's speech

"Oh my god, Kate! I swear you're too much sometimes." I said

"Let me ask you something. A serious question and I need you to be very honest with me." Kate leans in, a serious look on her face before she looks around to make sure no one is ear dropping.

"Is he satisfying you in bed? I know that look but hear me out. I'm totally not trying to be a pervert......Alright, never mind scratch that I know what I sound like after hearing it out loud, but that's not important."

I raise my brow

"You might not think about that now, but boom! Ten years later at a family thanksgiving dinner, you guys start throwing some personal shit and traumatized all your relatives. Ugh." Kate shivers at what sounds to be a personal bad memory.

"It happens with my aunt and uncle last thanksgiving. You won't believe the explicit details they traumatized us with. Now they're getting a divorce. It's for the best from what we heard at that dinner table." She physically shakes her shoulder trying to shake off the memories again.

I think back to all the times Griffin and I had made love. Each time I melt between his arms. Despite my lack of experience, I knew he was a very attentive lover. Sometimes he makes love to me slowly and gently like he's savoring the moment and other times he's rough like he can't wait to have me. I find myself liking it both ways... maybe the rough part is a little too much.

"And you call me a pervert" Kate smiles at me with that knowing smile

"Now the question is he satisfying you, both in and out of the bedroom?"

Memories of him bending me over his desk just the other day comes to mind.

I came into his study with ginger tea intending to keep him hydrated and relaxed.

But he had other thoughts in mind.

He bent me over that wooden desk, and slide his tongue over every inch of me.

So much of his paperwork was scattered onto the floor, but he didn't care.

His tongue worked from behind until I shattered on his desk before he slides inside me and take me from behind roughly.

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