Chapter 15: Jackie Let's Talk

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Jackie and I exchange numbers, we make plans to meet at a restaurant at 7 pm. She sends me the address over text, I look it up on google Maps and it's not far, maybe about 10 miles from Godson's residence.

I step out into the night cool air I was about to make my way to the front gate to wait for the taxi "Honey, our driver will take you. It's late and it's safer that way" Lisa comes out to stand beside me, I begin to say something, but she stops me " No, but. The Godson men will have me run trying to hide from them if something were to happen to you" she said as she wraps her shawls closer to her body 

"I don't think I'm that important to them, Lisa. I'm just here as collateral for a debt. " I said 

Lisa turns to me and tucks my hair behind my ear, wind starts to pick up "That's not what I saw in that theatre room." She said with a smile and a slight raise of her brow

"That was nothing," I respond

"That was more than nothing, sweetheart. I have known that boy since he was a baby. Trust me, the way that boy looks at you is different from any other girl."  

A car pulls up, and the driver comes out and opens the back passenger's door for me " Now get there and be back safe. Jacob, you drive safely now." The driver nodded his head and smile at Lisa.

The drive is peaceful, lights line the street people walk around hand in hand. I roll down the window and let the wind tussle my hair. I stick my head close to the window and watch past by buildings each adorn with different lights.

I love this. 

We pull up to the restaurant I get out of the car slowly. The restaurant is a lot fancier than I expect, I look down at my attire clad in old jeans and a fitted T-shirt, this place screams fancy dresses. I debate getting back into the car and going back home.

"I'll wait for you over in that spot over there, come out when you're ready Miss" Jacob points to a spot right across the street. 

I smile "Thank you, Jacob" he returns my smile

I was right about my initial thoughts on this place everyone clads in beautiful clothing, I look up in awe around the place's beautiful decorations, their ceiling is so high I almost arch my back just to look up the full length.  A huge, beautiful chandelier adorns the center of the room dazzling everyone with its beauty.

I look back down to see the hostess woman looking at me up and down with disapproval in her expression " How can I help you?" She asks in a stern tone

"I'm here to meet a friend" I reply

" What's the name? " She asks

" My name is Elena" I reply

She rolls her eyes "No, your friend that made the reservation. We're very exclusive and in high demand, we only take reservations from clientele that are- fit to be here, no walk in." she looks me over once more as she said those words

"Her name is Jackie" I reply

"Jackie what?" She asks impatiently

"I'm sorry, let me call her. I'm sure she's in there already. I don't know her last name." I reply

I take out my phone to call her " Elena!" When I hear my name, I look up and see Jackie making her way toward me.

She has on a beautiful mini black dress with matching high heels, she looks stunning. She changed her outfit from what she had on at school, which was already elegant and beautiful, I'm still wearing the same outfit. 

I put my phone away and smile at her "She's with me" Jackie said to the hostess, the hostess instantly perks up "Of course, Miss Hart!"

Jackie led me to our seats " I'm glad you can make it! I was worried you would change your mind" Jackie said as we sit 

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