Chapter 16: Congratulations.

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I wake up to noises outside my door I sit up in bed and listen again, I look at the clock on my bedside, it's 4 am.

I open my bedroom door slowly and peek outside, Lisa walks with quick steps in the hallway "Lisa? Is everything ok?" I ask

Lisa turns at the sound of my voice " Good morning, honey." Lisa looks and sounds flustered

"Something happens at one of the job sites where Mr. Godson was visiting last night. He's ok, he's being taken care of by the best medical teams." Lisa reply

"I'm so sorry to hear that, Lisa. Is there anything I can help with?" I ask

"No, honey. We're ok. We're just preparing Griffin's stuff to be sent out to him." Lisa reply

"Griffin's stuff? Is he ok?" I ask

"Griffin just flew out to his father last night." Lisa reply

"Oh," I said

"He won't be back for...awhile. The scheduling of things had been moved up due to the circumstances." Lisa said

Lisa has a sympathetic look on her face as she walks closer to me "I'm sorry, honey. We plan to see you both walk the graduation stage together before Griffin leaves, but he will have to graduate without attending the ceremony." Lisa continues

"Oh ok" I frown at myself 

"Are you ok, honey?" Lisa asks in concern 

"Oh of course, yes I'm ok." My frown deepens 

"His flight should land soon. Do you want to call him?" Lisa asks

I look up at her 

"No," I said "I'm going to rest a little more before school. I start my new job today. Please let me know if you need me to help with anything " I offer

" Ok, honey. Good luck with your new job" Lisa smile

I close my bedroom door. My back is pressed against the door; I stare at the opposite wall unmoving in silence. 

I don't know how long I stand there but long enough for me to feel cold. 

I blink a few times. I look at my bed, move toward the cover and get under it.  

I turn to my nightstand and stare out the window that's when I notice it. 

A black box with a red bow sits on top. I slowly get up all the while my eye stays on the box.

There's a white envelope tucked underneath the box; I remove it slowly there's no writing anywhere on the envelope.

I tear it open and read



Congratulations were all he wrote.

I open the box.

A beautiful golden bracelet with two charms attached to it greets me.

I lift it off the box and inspect it. One of the charms was of a girl sitting on a swing, the second is a lantern with a diamond incrusted in the middle.

I run my finger over both charms before placing them back into the box. I tuck both items away in the bottom drawer.


Griffin POV

I sit next to her bedside watching her sleep peacefully. I want to caress her skin and feel her softness, but I don't want to disturb her peace.

Her eyes flutter for a moment. What are you dreaming about, Elena?

Her dark hair fan all around her pillow, her features soft in her sleep unlike her usual expression when she glares at me.

I chuckle, those adorable glares I'm going to miss. I want to wrap that blanket around her body securely and carry her against my chest and get on that plane with her.

She would be pissed. I chuckle at my vivid imagination. Yeah, she would have my head. But I'll have her with me.

I sigh in resignation.

She stirs, one of her bare slender legs peeking out from under the cover of her red shorts.

I groan.

Jesus Christ.

Is this what she wears to sleep every night? White spaghetti strap in that fucking red shorts.

I groan in frustration and rub my hand over my face.

Does she have any idea what she does to me?

Probably not a damn clue.

My eyes roam to her lips. Those lips, it's hell in heaven every time she looks at me and sandwiches that full bottom lip between her canines before giving it back to me as good as I gave it to her with our back and forth. 

My little spit of fire.

I smile at the imagery. Yeah, it fits her perfectly. 

Her brows crease slightly, probably having a nightmare about me.

I smile watching her adorable expression. I want her to think about me in whichever form, her savior or her villain, at least I'll take space in her thoughts. 

My phone light up to alert me of an incoming message

Jackie: Where are you? I'm at the airport right now

I place the phone back in my pocket, I take out a box from my opposite pocket and place it on her nightstand with the envelope.

I bent down to kiss her lightly on her forehead, her lips stretch into a slight smile

I smile back and close her door lightly.

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