Chapter 44: How Is He

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I lost count of how many times I slipped in and out of consciousness.

I look to my left; Kate is sitting on the couch with a laptop.

"Elena!" She exclaims excitedly

"Kate" My voice sounds hoarse, and I try to smile.

She rushes to my side " Oh my god! You're awake!"

"It's about time, I don't want people to think I'm lazy"

Kate swats my arm lightly "This is not a joking matter, Elena." Her brows furrow as she scowls at me.

I look around the room.

"Where's Griffin?" I ask

A grim look appears on Kate's face.

"I think you should rest some more; your body is still recovering." She said

"Where's Griffin, Kate?" I ask again

She's quiet.

"He's in a different room." She finally said

"Take me to him, I want to see him. Please, Kate."

"You should rest. We'll go see him after you feel better."

"Please, Kate. I can't rest until I see him."

Kate sign and looks toward the door.

"Alright, hold on."

Kate pushes me in a wheelchair along the hospital hallway, we pass many rooms, but she keeps going until we cross the corridor and into a different section of the hospital.

I look up at the sign, it's an intensive care unit.

My heart pounds as she pushes me inside.

Nurses at their stations look up at us, and Kate gave them a greeting.

My body felt too tight to respond to anything.

Kate keeps pushing my wheelchair until we stop right in front of a room with a sliding door and curtain drawn close.

She moves in front of me, slides the door open, and pushes the curtain back.

She gave me a tight smile before coming back around behind me and begin pushing me into the room.

Loud beeping machines are around his bed.

His big body lies completely still, an oxygen mask secure around his mouth and nose.

PICC line in his left arm with a different IV line.

"He lost too much blood. He went into shock last night." Came a tired voice from the corner of the room.

My eyes follow the sound. Gerald sits in a chair in the corner, his hair disheveled.

He looks like he hasn't slept in days.

"I'm so glad to see you awake, Elena." He got up from his chair and walks toward me.

He bends down and touches my hand. I squeeze his hand back tightly.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper

"It's not your fault, don't cry." He wipes a single tear sliding down my face.

He looks back at his son.

"I'll be back." He said I can see how tired he looks, he gives us both a small smile before making his way out.

A few nurses lift their head and steal glances as Gerald walk by, one in particular blushes slightly.

Her eyes remain on him until he turns and disappears behind the door.

I wheel myself closer to Griffin's bed.

His fingers feel warmer. I hold on to his as he would hold on to mine.

The silence stretches between us. The machine keeps beeping.

"Come back to us," I whisper

The sound of the curtain rustling had me turn toward the doorway.

Jackie Hart steps through the door with a suitcase in hand.

I froze.

Her eyes move to Griffin. Realizing I'm still holding his hand, I let go quickly and fold my hands onto my lap.

Jackie steps into the room.

"Elena, I'm glad to see you up." She came in and give me a big hug. My own hands are still on my lap, not sure what to do with them.

She smiles down at me as she releases me. I try to smile back.

"I'm so sorry to hear what happened."

What did she hear? Was it about me being kidnapped? Or me stabbing my aunt? Or about the engagement? No, it can't be this one. Why would she be sorry about the engagement, Elena.

"Elena?" I look up at my name

"Are you ok? Oh geez, why would I ask that. I'm sorry, of course, you're not ok. You went through hell." She looks at me with sympathy

For some reason, that makes it worse.

I clear my throat "Thank you, but I'm ok. I'm recovering quickly"

I look at Kate, she gives me a questioning look.

Jackie takes the suitcase into the room and places it in the corner.

She's staying here with him tonight.

She walks toward Griffin's other side of the bed, her finger caressing his forehead moving his hair out of the way.

I look elsewhere.

"Griffin would never make this kind of mistake if-" Jackie stop then look at me

"The hell? Are you implying it's Elena's fault? She was kidnapped and imprisoned! What the hell is wrong with you saying shit like that." Kate step in

"By all means, I'm not blaming her. I'm just stating facts." Jackie said

"Wow we're literally only being in here for a few minutes and you're doing this. Unbelievable." Kate said

"I'm not doing nothing, you're the one getting your panty in a bunch," Jackie said

" Why don't we take this outside? You look like someone who has a lot to say." Kate said

I raise my hand to calm both of them down.

"Jackie, let me start by saying it was never in my intention for any of this to happen. Despite what you may or may not think. Hurting people was never my intention. I am sorry that things had led to this. I would give anything for Griffin to be ok." I said

"Again, Elena. I'm not blaming you. It was something that happened, I get it." The expression on her face says otherwise.

"Again, Jackie. Be upfront with your words, don't half ass it." I said

Her eyes open a little wider in surprise.

I turn to Kate "Let's go back to my room."

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