Chapter 62: The Office

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Griffin rides the elevator to the 12th floor; he adjusts his ties as he steps out.

The hallway is empty except for a secretary sitting at the front desk facing the elevator.

She looks up upon hearing the elevator's ding and a smile on her face "Good morning, Mr.Griffin."

"Good morning, Patty." He responds

"Big day today, all the board directors are here for this meeting," she said with a smile

"Something like that" He responds

"Would you like me to get your coffee sir?"

Griffin looks down at his watch "I'm ok, thank you. My soon to be bride doesn't like it when I drink too much coffee" He adds with a smile

With that he continues on his way, his steps echoing in the empty hallway.

Soon his footsteps and traces of his accomplishments will be gone from this company. His heart feels heavy at the thought.

He continues his way down the hall and kept walking before turning the corner.

Logan stands prompt up against the opposite wall. "Lovely seeing you here." Logan greets his brother

"I can't say I feel the same way being here," Griffin said

Logan chuckles

"We both know the old man won't let you off the hook so easy," Logan said

Griffin sighs and looks down the hall "I can't say I would put it past him"

"It bounds to happen. I'm glad it's sooner rather than later. Looks like he's pulling all stops for this." Logan said

Logan looks at his younger brother

"How's Elena doing? I heard she had some kind of stomach virus." He asks

"She didn't have a stomach virus. She's pregnant with our baby." Griffin said proudly

"Holy shit! Congratulations! Taking your time sharing the news aren't you" Logan congrats his brother

Griffin runs his hand through his hair "Sorry, things had been happening pretty fast"

Logan walks closer and places his hand on his brother's shoulder "Hey it's ok, I'm just teasing you. Does the old man know?"

Griffin shakes his head "And it's none of his business. After today I'm shaking my hands off him. Grandfather or not."

Logan nods in deep thought "Does this mean we're going to be able to put all these curse stigmas behind us. It had been a shit show for all of us." he thinks out loud

"I'm hoping so. Our family and Elena's had been through enough. All these shit lucks we been going through needs to end with us." Griffin said

"True love triumphs over all right?" Logan chuckles

"Something like that" Griffin chuckles with his brother

"Can't believe you're living a fairy tale cliche. Does that mean you're the damsel in distress and Elena is your prince charming?"

Griffin laughs wholeheartedly " I don't know about a damsel in distress, but she sure got me charmed since the first time we met."

Griffin smiles at the fond memories.

Then something at the corner of his brother's mouth caught his attention "Did someone give you a busted lip?" Griffin asks

Logan reaches his hand toward his mouth at his brother's observation and rubs his hand over his jaw.

"Elena's brother got a damn mean punch," Logan said in amusement

Griffin raises his eyebrow

"What did you do to him for him to suckered punch you in the face?"

Logan moves his jaw slightly, testing out its agility

"The usual," Logan said

"Enlighten me, what is this usual you're speaking of?"

Logan shrugs his shoulder nonchalantly

"Logan, leave Elric alone. I don't want Elena to be upset." Griffin said

"Why are you saying this to me? You're preaching to the wrong choir.  He's the hot head one, I simply tried to calm him and...."

Logan pauses.

"And?" Griffin asks

"Things might have gotten out of hand and I took it too far" Logan finally said

Griffin signs "What is it with you and Elric? Every time I see the both of you together, you're ready to chew each other heads off. Look we're about to be family. Elena and I are going to be married. Fix this, whatever is going on between you and him." Griffin said

"I'm always ready to play nice, he just goddamn can't. He's aggressive as fuck, I'm just here to calm his ass down."

"Logan, Elric is not unreasonable."

"He's worried about his sister, I get that. But goddammit if he doesn't make it difficult for me." Logan rubs his hand over his face in frustration

In all the years Griffin knew his brother, he had never seen his brother like this. No one could get under his skin; he had witnessed his brother deal with board leaders and make powerful men sweat in their seats. But this is something entirely different.

"Are you and Elric..." Griffin struggles to find the right words

"Involved?" He finishes

Logan pauses before quickly turning to his brother, surprise registering on his face.

He laughs, he laughs so hard he had to wipe tears from the corner of his eyes "Involved?! The fuck does that mean! You mean are we fucking? He can't even stand being in the same room as me! How the hell can I fuck him?"

"So you do want to" Griffin raises his eyebrow in question

"What?! No. I can't believe we're having this conversation."

Now it's Griffin's turns to shrug

"You just seem to treat him differently than anyone else"

"I don't treat him differently than anyone else"

Griffin smiled at his brother " Sure. Let's get this meeting over with."

"I'm with you on that," Logan said before rubbing his hand over his cut lips once more.

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