Chapter 23: The Night

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I fidget with my dress nervously while Lisa finishes up some final touches with my hair and makeup.

My hair is twisted into a loose knot with elegant side braids. My makeup is kept at a minimum, Lisa had said during the makeup process " Less is more" and I couldn't agree more.

Taking a few steps back, Lisa survey my face " Wow you're absolutely beautiful, Elena."

"And Charlotte did a fantastic job picking out the dress for you, she never disappoints. " Lisa smile

The dress where do I begin, it's absolutely stunning. It's copper gold in color with hints of sparkles when hits the light just right. Plunging a deep V-neck, showcase my collarbone and shoulders down to my mid torso in a daring plunge.

The dress flows elegantly over my body and hugs it like a second skin. The back of the dress has an even deeper V plunge down to my waistline, leaving my back completely bare. The dress gives way to my backside as it hugs and gives shape over the round curves before draping over my legs down to my nude high heels.

Lisa looks down the length of my dress admiringly " She used to dress Griffin's mom." She spoke

"Abeila adored Charlotte. She used to joke how perfect it would be if she can just tuck Charlotte in her purse and take her everywhere she goes that way she'll always be the most stylish person in the room." Lisa let out a soft sad laugh

I place my hand on her arm lightly

"For a while, I didn't think Gerald could pull through, it broke that man. And those two boys..." her eyes shine with unshed tears

" Griffin, that boy.... he was so young" Her chin tremble as her voice begin to tremble

"He used to wake up from nightmares each night, he cried in the corner of his room by himself when he was younger."

She looks at me her eyes shining "I'm so happy you two are reconnecting. That first day you and Griffin met at the park, I was there. After seeing the two of you play together, I had hope for him then. But seeing the two of you now, I have hope for both of you. Don't let this curse stigma gets in between you two." 

Lisa let out a deep breath before telling me "You're all finished, honey. I will let Griffin knows that you're almost ready." She gives me one final hug before making her way to the door and closing it behind her.

I stare at her and let out a deep breath before making my way out. 

My heels echo in the quiet hallway, I run my hands down the length of my dress to smooth out my emotions.

I turn the corner; the hallway opens out to a magnificent dining room with a cozy fireplace in the middle. Griffin stands facing the dying ambers, he turns when the clicks of my heels come to a standstill.

The moment his eyes land on me, an all-consuming emotion blaze over his features. His throat bobs as his eyes slowly drink me in, and his jaw tightened as his eyes roamed lower. A hard look on his expression when he finally looks back up.

"If you don't like the dress, I can change" uncertainty hits me when I see his expression

"No. It's not because I don't like it." He spoke

"It's because I like that dress on you a little too much." He said as his eyes do a second roam over my body

"Oh" my cheeks blush at his honesty

"Let's go before I change my mind about going," he said

In the car, Griffin's eyes keep sliding over me.

He adjusts himself in his seat a few times like he couldn't find a comfortable position.

By the time we got to the event, Griffin quickly got himself out of the car, and hand his key to the valet person before making his way to my side and opening the door for me.

As I step out my bare shoulder brush against his chest lightly, his body tense as he holds himself completely still and keeps the door open for me.

I look up at him, and his eyes dart down and met mine. The air changes, and an electrical current jolt through my body, teasing my skin until it surrenders and breaks out in goosebumps, the hair at the back of my neck stand as the current travels down lower to the pit of my stomach.

Caught off guard by these strong foreign feelings, I stumble on air and land against Griffin's hard chest. His hands shot out and wrapped themselves around my waist, heat emitting from his palms as they made contact against my bare skin. Heat registered in his eyes as he held my body against his.

A sudden flash of light snapped me out of it, and I turn and a man with a camera slung around his neck snapping more photos of us

"Paparazzi," Griffin said out loud

"Let's go inside," he said as he uses his body to shield me from the ongoing flashes.

Once inside, I look around the place. A lot of people are here, all in beautiful gowns and suits.

I turn and look at Griffin, he's having on a dark blue suit with a white button down shirt that enhances his athletic build to perfection.

His dark hair is slick back giving him a more refined look, devilish even.

As if feeling my eyes on him, he turns to me. His eyes roam mine as if to say something when a familiar voice break in " Griffin!"

I turn to the sound, Jackie making her way toward us with a smile on her face. Donning a beautiful teal color strapless gown, with a high slit on one side of the dress that showcases her long slender leg in heels with each step she takes.

Jackie's face is radiant as she looks at Griffin. She hugs him as she reaches us before turning to me.

"I almost didn't recognize you, Elena. You look-" she said as she looks me over

" You look beautiful," she said as her eyes reach mine, a different emotion flickered in them but just as quickly, it disappears.

"Thank you, you look beautiful as well," I said, Jackie, smiled before turning her attention back to Griffin

" And you sir... you look really good" she said as her eyes linger on him

"How do you think I look?" She asks turning her body slowly for him. Griffin's eyes follow her movement

"You look beautiful," he said

I look down when I feel a hand brush against mine

"We're going to say hello to a few people," Griffin said

Jackie's eyes stay on Griffin for moments longer

"Ok. You do that" she said

Griffin leads me through the crowd, I turn my head slightly back. Jackie still stands in the same spot, watching us. A waiter walks by with a tray of drinks, she swipes one off the tray and proceeds to down half the content in one gulp.

I turn my head back and follow Griffin as he leads us farther away.

Griffin said hello to a few more people, stop to have conversations with some, but quickly move on until he reaches the outdoor patios.

He opens the door and holds it open for both of us to step out. He walks to the railing and leans over it, looking out into the dark night. He remains silent as he stares ahead, I stand beside him in silence.

"You asked me what this charity event was for," he said

I turn then, greet by his side profile as he remains facing forward. "It's for Suicide Prevention" his mouth is set in a hard line, his expression dull before it goes blank.

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