Chapter 39: Confession

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   The car starts to slow down, a big building looms ahead.

The man shuts off the car's engine and gets out of the car. It looks like another factory, but in better shape than the last one I was held at, it's a secluded building with no other buildings in sight.

The man walks to my side and opens the door

" Out." He said

I slowly follow his instruction; he grabs my upper arm and leads me toward the building

"Why are we here?" I ask

Knowing I won't get an answer, I still asked anyway.

Like my initial thought, he drags me along without a response.

I try my best to take notes of my surroundings. There're more windows at this place, which looks to be abandoned judging by the overgrown grass and the shaggy conditions from the outside. Wooded trees all along the side and the back of the building.

I dread to think if this is where I will be buried. Alone, in the backwoods where my family can't find me until my dead body is rotten and the flesh falls off.

A shiver runs down my spine with the thoughts.

The man pushes me through the door.

I'm welcome by the sight of my aunt standing at the doorway looking as if she's greeting us for a holiday visit.

"Welcome, dear! This is much less stuffy don't you think?" She greets

"I know I been a terrible host lately. But I have good news for you! This place has running water, why don't you go get yourself cleaned up." Her white teeth glint in the sunlight

Without waiting for my reply, the man pushes me toward where I think the bathroom is.

I went inside and lock the door.

I slowly walk toward the mirror.

I look as terrible as I feel.

A new cloth set is folded and placed on the sink. I turn on the water and peel off my dirty clothes.

I step into the cool running water and place my face right underneath it.

Next, I lavender my hair with shampoo all over my body.

After I was done, I still stay under the falling water longer until I hear a bang on the door.

"Times up. Let's go." Came the man's voice

I pause before I quickly turn off the water.

" Ok! Almost done!" I reply

I quickly put on the new set of clothes and open the door.

The man takes one look at me before pointing his chin toward the path we came from, signaling me to go back toward my aunt.  I oblige and walk forward as he keeps pace behind me.

My steps falter when I see more men in the room, armed.

"Don't be scared, dear. They are just here for precaution. Come, sit. We have much to discuss." My aunt said

She signals me toward the one lone chair in the middle, I slowly make my way there and sit. While everyone else stands facing me.

"You're probably wondering why we're here." She said and look at her wristwatch.

"We don't have much time, so I better make this quick." She continues

"Your beloved Griffin had agreed to meet us." She smiles

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