Chapter 65: My Baby

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I walk in the field alone, my feet hurt I look down, I'm barefooted. The baby stirs in my stomach "Don't be scared, I'm here." I said to my baby in comfort before placing my hand gently on top.

The baby kicks even harder against my stomach, I lean over in pain and breathe through pursed lips "oohh!" The pain increases as I stand hunched over 

"Oh god!" I look around for any sign of life for help

"Ugh!" The pain increases

Then I see someone up ahead "help!" I scream

The person kept walking as if they didn't hear me.

"Please help me!" I try again

The person finally turns around, but they're too far away for me to make out their face.

The person stands still and watches me from the distance.

"Please...I need help" I beg, desperate.

The person begins to walk toward me, I hold my stomach in pain. My breathing gets more labor as I look down at my stomach.

The pain is too much my legs begin to shake, I fight to hold myself upright, and I lean against the nearby tree.

I look back up, the person getting closer, I can make out her form and know she's a woman. She cradles something against her chest.

A new wave of pain shot up my spine "ugh!!!" I lean harder against the tree holding my stomach.

I desperately look back up at her, the bundle she holds is wet.

An unsettled feeling hits my stomach as she gets closer, and I unconsciously step back. Something doesn't feel right.

She gets closer, a smile on her face. I don't recognize her, the baby stirs harder against my stomach as if this baby too can sense the danger.

I step back further and look around for any other life source.

She looks down at my stomach, she smiles wider. I wrap both hands around my stomach protectively.

My breath caught in my throat "Who are you?" I struggle

Water drips from the bundle she's holding.

"My baby." She said looking down at my stomach

"What?" I ask, not believing what I'm hearing

She reaches her hand out toward my stomach as if to touch it.

"No!" I scream at her, and intense pain shot up my spine "uggghh!!!" I struggle to step back from her.

"Give me back my baby." A pain looks in her eyes

I realize she's not in her right mind.

Fear hits my chest "Please don't hurt us." I beg

She looks up at me then, tears in her eyes.

My breath caught in my throat at the intensity of pain in her eyes.

Suddenly it hits me, I recognize those eyes......their intensity. Hazel's eyes are just like Griffin's. She has a slender face, sharp nose, lips, and dark black hair.

She's wearing an older fashion dress; it looks to be a classy dress made from expensive materials.

"Who are you?" I ask cautiously

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