Chapter 61: Support

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With great effort, I hold myself up as I heave into the toilet. Cold sweats break out on my skin. I shiver as the force of all the content rose my throat.

I flush the toilet and wash my hands before rinsing my mouth with Listerine once more.

I make my way back to the bed and rest my head, leaning back against the headboard.

The door opens, and Griffin walks in with slices of peaches on a plate.

A weak smile stretches from my lips.

"I got what you want, babe." He offers

I nod weakly.

He came to sit down beside my leg and place a slice of the peach against my lips. I open my mouth and begin chewing, tasting like nectar.

"Hmmm," I said with my eyes close.

I continue chewing, open my eyes, and look at Griffin.

A concerned look on his face. I reach my hand out to him "I'm ok." I said

He squeezes mine back gently before giving me another bite.

"Anything else I can get for you?" He asks softly

I smile "No, this is the only thing I can keep down right now."

He leans in and kisses my forehead before making his way around to the other side of the bed. he sits promptly next to me with the plate of peaches between us.

He grabbed the maternity books he had researched and began reading them out loud while feeding me peaches.

I rest my head on his shoulder, listening to his soothing voice.

He kisses the top of my head before continuing.

"If the baby is a girl, I want her to have your smile," he said

I smile

"If the baby is a boy, then I want him to have your smile, too." He continues

I laugh then.

"So, you want both of them to have my smiles," I said

"Yes," he said

I raise my head. "But I love your smile," I said

"I love yours more." He said

I raise my lips to him; he leans down and kisses me. One that makes my toes curls.

"Hmm taste like peach." He comments

He leans down and kisses me more "I think peaches are now my new favorite fruit besides apples." He said against my lips

"Hmm" I hum in agreement

Griffin pulls his lips back, and a smile lingers on my lips.

He was about to continue the book when I said "What are we going to do about your grandfather?"

Griffin places the book back down on his lap. A tired look on his face.

"He announced a board meeting at the company today," Griffin said

"Do you think it's about......" I begin softly

Griffin signs

"Knowing him. More than likely, yes." He responded

"He's going to do whatever he wants to get his way." He continues

"He's forcing your hands. All your hard work towards this company will be.... gone."

"I can't say I'm not surprised, I had hope that it wouldn't come to this. I have seen how he was with my father; he'll use any means to get his way."

"What are you going to do?"

"My mother-" He attempts to say, her death still affects him.

"Started an investment fund for me and my brother since the day we took our first breath. After she passed..."

"My father held on to it, no one else knew of the account. He set up everything for us. The day we graduated was the day the funds were released to us. He had hoped for the best but prepare us for the worse, so he sends us to train with his most trusted people."

"He wanted me and my brother to understand the value of business, relationship, money, you name it, he wants us to know. He worked us hard, but at first, I didn't understand him. But I'm glad he did."

"That's why you had to leave for 5 years," I said putting the pieces together.

"Toughest 5 years of my life. Being away from you was the hardest step I had to take. When I came back, you weren't here......I lost my damn mind. I questioned everything...I questioned if everything I did to that point was worth it."

He gazes into my eyes "But sitting here with you" his hand slid down to my belly "and our baby. It was well worth it. I'll gladly go through it all over again for these moments with you."

I lean into his touch as his hand caresses my cheek.

"Your mother looked out for you and your brother until her very last breath. She must have loved you both very much." I said softly

Griffin's throat bobs with emotions in his eyes.

"She would have loved how lovely you are and her grandbaby." Griffin finally said

It breaks my heart to see how much her death still affects him so much so.

"When you're ready to talk about her, I love to hear more about her," I said

Griffin smile. "I would love that."

He leans in and kisses me lightly

"I have to get ready for this meeting. Kate will be here with you shortly."

"Please be careful," I said

Griffin smiles before closing the bathroom door.

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