Chapter 7: Gerald Godson

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All three of us walk silently along the corridor. I walk closely beside Lisa, Griffin behind us. 

We stop in front of a huge double wooden door, with the carving of a beautiful, sophisticated tree with one of the branches extending out into a smooth curve that works as a door handle. 

Lisa knocks on the door twice. 

"Come in." Came a deep voice from within

Lisa pushes the door open.

My eye instantly lands on a man behind the huge wooden desk. 

Broad shoulders in a button-up white shirt stretched across his solid chest. Pepper-colored hair sleek back revealing an angular face with strong cheekbones paired with an almost crooked nose in contrast to his soft hazel eyes that works perfectly for his handsome face. 

He looks just like an older version of Griffin. 

Somehow that pissed me off more. They can't just be rich? Their strong handsome gene must be passed down too? Give me a break. 

I want to roll my eyes at the thought, but I'm too nervous to do so. 

"I apologize for the late introduction, Elena. I'm Gerald Godson, as you may already know I'm Griffin's father."

With a lump in my throat, I could only manage a nod accompanied by a smile.

"Please sit, both of you." He looks at his son with a smile before turning back to me

"Anything to drink?' He looks at both of us

I shake my head. 

"I'm ok." Griffin response 

Mr.Godson nods at Lisa, she leaves the room quietly. Leaving the three of us alone. 

"Has your stay with us been pleasant?" He looks at me expectantly 

Griffin sits to my right with a smile on his face. This arrogant asshole is enjoying this. 

"I'm adjusting, sir." I response

"No need to be so formal, Elena," he says 


"I heard Griffin drove you to school the other day. I'm happy to hear you both are getting along." He looks between the two of us 

Both of us remain silent. 

"Am I incorrect?" He asks looking between the two of us 

I shift in my seat. 

It's obvious Griffin is not going to say anything, he's letting me take center stage. 

"I'm still adjusting, si-. I mean, everything is still very new to me."

"Understandable. I wish you were brought into the family under better circumstances. You two used to play together when you were little, I was sad to see you both drift apart."

I can't recall when and how it happened but looking at how he turned out I'm glad we drifted apart. 

"I hope your family explained to you why this needs to be done?"

"They did." 

"Good, good." He said absently, he looks at me as if expecting me to say something more.

Now or never. 

"Actually, I do have a request." I begin

"Let's hear it" He smiles at me encouragingly 

"Can I not clean Griffin's room anymore. I mean, he's a teenage boy having another teenage girl rumple through his room can't be too comfortable. You can add three more rooms to my list instead, I can do it."

Mr.Godson looks at his son before turning to me "I know this can be awkward at first, but it's necessary for you both to form a bond."

"I understand, but I'm not here to form a bond with Griffin. I'm here to work off our debt and I'm not trying to wiggle my way out of this. I'll gladly work. I just need this adjustment..." Distracted by his expression I trail off

Mr.Godson rubs a hand over his face. A perplexed look on his expression looking at his son. 

"Now I see what's going on." He says with a long sigh 

He looks at me this time with sympathy in his eyes "Elena..."

My heart raced at his tone. Something's not right. 

"I don't think your parents inform you correctly. And from the look of it, no one here did either." He looks at his son pointedly 

"But I understand why because it's a tough position for both your family and mine to be in. I try my best to avoid this because it didn't feel right. But it needed to be done. You can see how badly your father was doing. He wanted this to stop once and for all, as do I. I have no malice in my heart, this curse has taken so much from your family as it did with mine."

A small measure of unease crawled on my skin. I hold my breath and wait. 

 "You're not here as a maid, Elena. Your parents had signed you over to us with Griffin's name on it."

My lungs are tight, and the room closes in on me.

"Signed me.... over? What does that mean?"

It's getting harder to breathe in this room, my eyes dart to the window. 

"I'm sorry could you repeat that?" White buzz noise clouds my ears I ask him to repeat it. 

My breath is shallow, I part my lips to allow oxygen into my lungs. 

The room spins my eyes glaze up at the ceiling. 

Griffin stands from his seat he's saying something, but it sounds like he's underwater. He reaches for me, frantic in his eyes. I had never seen him so frazzled. 

Ha! Serve him right, knock him off his high horse... oh god, why does my head feel so light?

My head landed on something soft "Elena...!" His face hovers over mine.

The world fades from my vision. 


I slowly open my eyes my head feels foggy. I slowly come back to it "Hey, sweetheart." Lisa said in a soft tone. 

I raise my upper body off the bed, prompt up against the headboard. "Where am I?"

"Your new room."

I scoff "Making up for their guilt?"

"It's not like that," Lisa said 

I turn to her. I let her see it, I let her see what this is doing to me. How it's tearing me apart. I let her see my raw emotions. 

She couldn't take it. She couldn't fucking take it. She looks away. 

"Then what is it?" My voice came out almost a whisper, weak. I'm drained I have no energy left. 

Lisa looks down at her folded hands on her lap.

Don't you fucking look away! You don't get to look away. 

"Then what is it, Lisa?" I ask her again

She looks up slowly at me, her eyes found mine they brim with tears.

"Why are you crying?" I ask her, tired.

"I'm the sacrificial lamb. Not you." I said 

She places her hand gently on top of mine "I remembered the first day I met you, you were about ten years old you came in with Griffin. You both sate in this very kitchen. It was the first time Griffin came out of his room since his mother's death.... and it was with you." 

"Please leave. I want to be alone." I face the window, away from her.

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