Thanksgiving Special

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I hang my jacket on our wooden hanger to the right of the doorway, my roommate clads in dark blue jeans with his casual white shirt, and his blonde head stands a couple of inches over our stainless fridge.  His posture was hunched, taking his now heated leftover out from the microwave. 

He turns when he hears me coming in through the door "Hey. Hungry?" he asks, stirring his bowl with his fork. 

I look at his orange chicken and my stomach growl as if on cue. John chuckles "Get your ass here if you want some or I'm eating all of it." 

I shake my head "Can't. I'm heading to my sister's today and staying over for Thanksgiving." I answer.

John forks into his meal "Oh yeah, say hi to everyone for me." He said, grabbing his bowl and walking into the living room. His long stride takes him to the couch quickly in our small apartment. 

Placed the bowl on our coffee table, cluttered with our combined belonging.     
"You sure you don't want to come with? Elena and Griffin wouldn't mind, I talked to them last night and they want you there." I said watching him turn on the TV and chew his meal. He's quiet for a moment, his eyes stay glued on the screen absently.

"No, I'm good." He finally responds. 

I make my way closer, stopping short at the couch before sitting down.

"Are you going to visit her?" I ask quietly, staring at the screen and waiting for his response.

I knew his answer before he says it. His silence speaks volumes.

"No." He finally voice what I already knew.

"No, I'm not going to visit her." He repeats it, I get the feeling it's more for himself rather than for me.

He scoops a forkful of his meal and starts eating. 

I sign before getting up "Alright call me if you change your mind." I said, making my way toward my bedroom. 

I make the short distance toward my room, a few feet away from his where his door is slightly ajar, his bed half made.

I open my closet door and start putting my clothes into my bag.

"Your car is still in the shop, want me to drive you?" He asks.

I turn to my roommate standing at the doorway, holding his bowl of food.

"If you drive me, you might as well go too," I respond turning my back to him. 

"Right." He responds.


I open the taxi's door and exit from the car, giving the taxi driver his payment "Thank you, sir." I spoke.

The man looks at me with a smile, poking his head out "You're welcome, son. Take good care of yourself." The bald head man said with a southern drawl. 

"Thank you. You too, sir." I replied.

"Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!" He said cheerfully. 

I'm about to respond when my sister comes out of her house running toward me, before throwing her arms around my neck "I'm so glad you're here!" Elena said excitedly. 

I smile down at her, hugging her right back "Glad to be here." 

She looks at the driver, and a loud gasp comes from her.

"Jones Kevin?!" She exclaims excitedly upon seeing the driver.

"Yup, in the flesh." The bald man grins ear to ear. He gets out of the car and they both hug like long-lost friends.

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