Chapter 3: Short Lived Happiness

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I'm seated next to the window in the middle row of the classroom. Mr. Mattigon is going over the reviews for our upcoming exam, I try my best to concentrate, but as tired as I was last night, I could not sleep in an unfamiliar home despite how soft the bed was, and now I'm paying the price for it.

Mr.Mattigon stands at the whiteboard, writing math problems out and going over them with us one problem at a time.

He has on a white button-up shirt with roll-up sleeves and blue dress pants, I always like the way he dresses, and sometimes he has suspenders on his 6"1 frame, that's my favorite.

He has glasses and he likes to push them up his nose with his pointed fingers every time he talks.

And those blue eyes, I could get lost in them. His blond hair is slightly wavy and cut short.

Everything about him screams sunshine and light, unlike...a certain someone who's a 6"3 frame with raven black hair, surprised by my thoughts I mentally shake the image out of my head.

My crush on Mr. Mattigone started as an admiration, for his passion for teaching and caring for the students, the way he explains things, and making sure everyone gets it before he moves on, no matter how long it takes him.

I sometimes see him out in the hallway a few times helping other teachers carry things that are too heavy.

One particular day, he approached me to congratulate me on my perfect score and how proud he was of my efforts, I was giggly the whole day afterward.

We sometimes cross each other paths in the hallway, I enjoyed it despite how brief it was, and I discovered our mutual admiration for horror films one day.

The more I got to know him, the more I realized my admiration had transformed into something more. Before I knew it, I developed a crush on him.

Butterflies in my stomach every time I'm about to walk into his class.

I had never liked anyone before it's such an unexpected and exciting feeling, I find myself putting extra time into picking out outfits in my closet every day before school.

I put a little more effort into my rumpled mop of black hair, they seem to have a life of its own. And from the looks of it, they're living the high life because it never stays down, always up so I usually have them tied back or in a braid.

The breeze from the open window tussles my hair, I look out as it caresses my face with its gentle touch. It's a beautiful day outside, sunny with the perfect breeze that's just enough to cool any hot day.

Something in the outer field caught my eye, it was a soccer field.

He has the soccer ball at his feet, and his opponent is trying to get the ball from him, but he's too fast, he quickly switches the ball between his feet as he moves across the field, and two more opponents rush to block him, he passes the ball to his teammate, the two opponents are still on him, but somehow he's able to evade them and create an opening, his teammate passes the ball back to him, he swung his right leg back and with one swift powerful kick he launches the ball into the air like a cannon.

The goalie ready himself to stop the ball, and other teammates lung at the ground to stop the ball, but the ball is moving too fast.

Until there's only the goalie and the ball about to go face to face, the goalie changes his stands to a partial squat, forces all his weight onto his feet, and launches himself into the air with both hands up, he reaches for the ball, the ball passes right above his fingers tip before slamming itself into the net.

Everyone on the bleacher abruptly cheers, I'm surprised at how many people are presented on the bleacher despite its being just a practice. All the teammates rush to Griffin, congratulating him and giving him a high five.

Tap, tap.

I quickly look up, Mr. Mattigon's usual smile is gone, his fingers on my desk, he stares out the window into the soccer field.

He looks back down at me; I smile up at him apologetically and return to write in my notes.

He returns to the front of the room, I realize I look out the window longer than I intended, all the math problems on the board had been solved.

The bell rings, and I frown as I place my math book into my backpack, and more students pile out of the room.

I make my way to the front." Elena, may I have a word with you" Mr. Mattigon said as I walk by his desk.

" Yes, sir" I response

He places his pen down and looks at me with observing eyes.

"Is everything ok at home?" He asks.

I'm taken aback by his question.

Bustling noises of students down the hall carry into the quiet room.

Does everyone in town know I'm Griffin's maid?

My eyes dart to the glass window, their laughter gets louder. 

"Elena..." Mr.Mattigon begins.

"Everything is fine, Mr.Mattigon. I'm stressed about the upcoming exams, but that's about it." I manage a smile.

His eyes are slightly narrow as if he's debating whether to believe me or not.

"Alright," he decides to drop it.

I let out a slow breath I didn't know I was holding.

"There's a field trip coming up and I've been nominated to be the coordinator, I need a few students to volunteer to help make this happen, I was wondering if you like to be one of those students." He said with a smile.

My heart thumps in my chest before it takes flight and soars in this very room " Of course! I would love to." I clench my textbook harder against my chest in happiness.

Mr. Mattigon smiles, straight white teeth greet my silly girly's heart.

"Good, I thought you would like it. I'll get the paperwork set up so you can have a copy to take home and have your parents sign it, ok?"

"That would be great!" I move my hair out of my face to behind my ear, Mr. Mattigon's eyes flickers and follow the movement briefly.

"Did you enjoy the movie?" he asks abruptly.

He recommended me a scary movie weeks ago during one of our hallway walks.

"I did, thank you for the recommendation, it was a very funny movie."

"I just can't believe you never saw Shawn of the Dead" he smiles down at his papers with a shake of his head.

"I do now, thanks to you." I smile sheepishly.

He looks back up at me for a brief moment before looking back down at his piles of paperwork "Alright, I've taken enough of your time. Now get to class." He dismisses me with a smile.

I walk out of his classroom and smile like an idiot to myself. Things are finally looking up, Mr.Mattigon picks me! He wants me to help him!

I look up thanking the big man for allowing me this happiness.

Maybe this will be my year, maybe things will work out in my favor.

"That was one hell of a practice!" A voice carries over the thrones of students.

I turn toward it.

Leaning against the locker, cross arms against his expand chest.

Griffin's eyes harden and narrow into slits as he looks at me. 

My pulse throb in my vein, and the room feels like it's closing in on me. I quickly look away, confuse by his hostility.

I quickly make my way to my next class.

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