Chapter 37: At What Cost?

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I pull against my restraints.

"Don't hurt yourself, dear." She said

"How could you do this to me?! I'm your niece!" I yell in waves of anger.

"Like I told you. I'm doing this for you." She said

"No! That's bullshit! By kidnapping me?! Are you out of your mind?! I begged for your help years ago. You turned your back on me. But that wasn't enough?! Now you decided to kidnap me, all in the name of doing it for me ?!" My lungs feel so tight

"Why didn't you talk to me then?" My voice drops almost into a low whisper.

She looks at me, I see no compassion in her expression. She looks nothing like the woman I used to know, her eyes are hard compared to her soft usual eyes that always seem to carry a smile behind her lips. Now she looks like she's a shell of the woman she once used to be.

She sizes me up with her calculated looks.

"Your parents didn't tell you, did they?" She finally replies

"Tell me what?" I ask

"Gerold tugged me away at a house he got me with the promise that I would take the professional help he provided. But I saw everything very clearly for what it was now. He was hiding me. He left me for her. For them."

Hatred in her eyes.

"Whose them?" I ask

My aunt scoffed, her eyes narrowing down with so much hatred that it was shocking to witness.

"His wife and kids." She said

"His parents brought her into his life despite me. They all conspired against me! I was here first, he loved me first! The day he married her was the day I died inside. I was stupid enough to be the other woman because I loved him. Only for him to turn around and tell me he can't do this anymore. He chose her. They don't deserve to be happy."

The determination in her voice is frightening

"So I made sure they weren't." She continues

Her eyes glint with a satisfied smile that makes my stomach twist in knots with her admission. 

"What did you do, Aunt Anneta?" I ask slowly, dread in my voice 

Her smile stretches slowly higher up her lips with a satisfied look

"I send her a gift package in honor of mine and Gerold's love." 

"What did you send her?" My voice drops an octave

"Evidence of our love. Videos of me and Gerold. So she knows exactly what she had stolen from me. So she knows the pain of loving a man when he loved another. So she knows exactly what she put me through!"

Oh my god, the CD I found in Mr. Godson's study. My breath caught in my throat. My body suddenly locks up and all air suck out of the room

"She committed suicide," I said

My aunt leans in closer, face devoid of emotions.

"Yes, she deserved that and more."

I release a shaky breath as I watch her expression slide into a hard shell of resentment

"I just wish I was there to witness it all myself. See her lifeless body in that tub. Witness Gerold watched her soulless body, forever taken away from him, and there was nothing he can do about it, just like what he had done to me. They got what they deserved."

I think I'm going to be sick

"I don't even know who you are anymore," I said, my voice sounding far away from my ears like I'm having an out of body experience at this point.

"She did not deserve death. What you did was unforgivable, you drove a person to her death! How can you be so cruel?! People are allowed to fall out of love, Aunt Anneta. You pick up and move on! You don't kill a person over it!" I'm practically yelling, stung by her cruelty.

My aunt laughs. A loud echo laugh could be heard bouncing off the wall of the quiet, empty room. The sounds hit my ears like nails raking across a dry eraser board, I flinch as it vibrates against my ears.

"You will understand my pain one day. I see the way you look at Griffin. That boy reminds me so much of his father. It will not end well for you." She said

I remain silent for a moment, letting the weight of her words settle in.

"I'm saying this once as your niece. Let those hatred go, Aunt Anneta. It does you no good. Look where it's leading you. You caused the death of another person. That's not you. You're a compassionate person, I know you are. Please, let it go. Don't hurt anyone else because of this."

"You're wrong. You're young and naive, Elena. Your parents signed you over to these people. Hatred is the only feeling you should be having for these people. Where has your peace gotten you!? Nowhere, that's where! You're trapped!"

"Where have your anger and hatred gotten you, Aunt Anneta? It's sinking its teeth deeper and deeper into your soul the longer you allow it. You caused the diminished of someone's life already. When is enough is enough? Will it end with the cost of all those around you?"

Aunt Anneta quickly got up to her feet, her eyes remain on me, hard as they look at me like I just betray her.

"Words had been sent to your beloved Griffin. Let's hope your peace keeps you warm at night. I hope I'm wrong about him for your benefit, Elena."

She makes her way toward the door with the man behind her

"Gerold's father despises us, the Melvic. The hate is embedded deep in his blood. Do you want to know cruel? He's the definition of cruel. He'll never forgive us for what was done in the past generations. He will not allow you into the family. Griffin will marry someone else, that is not you. Are you happy with being Griffin's mistress? Until he's tired of you and realizes how in love he is with his wife? There're too many mountains for you to climb, Elena. You will lose yourself in one of them."

My aunt looks at me with pity before the man closes the door behind them, leaving me in the dark.

What she doesn't realize is I already know this. Deep in my heart, I knew.

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