Chapter 31: Reunited

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It's early morning I walk along the same hallway but this time there's sunlight. I look out the glass window to the huge balcony with a fantastic view. I continue my walk toward the stairs.

The stairs lead to an enormous room, to my left is a huge living space with a giant couch that wraps around the entire space facing a giant fireplace with a big screen TV mounted over it.

To my right, a huge, beautiful oak wood dining table that can seat about twenty people sits magnificently in the center. The whole front wall of the house is made of glass giving out a breathtaking view of the outdoors.

Something smells nice coming from the kitchen area. I walk in greet by an image of Griffin working his way around the stove. I pause in the middle of the giant room.

As if sensing me, he slowly turns. His hair sleek back from his tired eyes. He's holding a frying pan sliding the omelet onto a plate "I didn't think you would want to come out of your room" he said without looking at me.

"I didn't think I would either," I said sitting down at the island table

His phone rings. He looks at me for moments longer before picking up his phone " Yes? Send the contract to me, I'll take a look at it." He speaks into the phone

"No, I'll contact him tomorrow. Tell him the agreement is still the same. Have his lawyers look at it." He said

His eyes travel to me.

"Yes, it'll be a couple of days. Have him sign it and send it over. No. Send the rough draft to Shane, I'll have Bailey contact him. Ok." He hangs up his phone

"You can cook?" I ask

Griffin glances at me "Not much, but yes I cooked for myself while I was at training, enough to where I won't starve." He said

"Jackie and you didn't go out to eat?" I ask

"Did you call that math teacher?" He throws back at me

"How did-? Forget it. Maybe I should have." I said

He puts his frying pan down roughly "Elena." He said in a warning

"You can have Jackie, but I can't have Oliver?" I ask

"Who the fuck is Oliver?" Griffin asks

"Mr.Mattigon, it's his first name," I said cutting into my omelet

Next thing I know I feel a presence very close to my right, I look up to Griffin bracing both his hands behind my chair, his face inches from mine.

"Maybe I didn't make myself clear enough. You belong to me, Elena. That's the fucking reason why you're here." He said

"I don't belong to you." Anger in my voice

His eyes get hard "The last time I check there's a piece of paper with your name and mine on it."

My eyes slant hard at his.

"I'm going to show you around the property once you're finished."

"I don't want to look at it," I said

"You should. I build this place with you in mind." I look at him then.

His unwavering gaze remains on me "After you left, I wanted to burn this whole place to the ground."

He walks us around the property.

To say I'm not impressed would be a lie. Trees line the vast property. A big patio at the back of the house with a built-in fire pit right in its center that looks cozy and inviting.

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