Chapter 50: The Hand That Once Held Mine

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It's late, and my brother is asleep on the couch despite me insisting he goes back to his place and sleeps.

I can't fall asleep so despite my better judgment I decide to visit Griffin.

I walk into Logan working on his laptop on the couch.

I look around, no sight of Jackie.

He looks up when he hears me, he has on glasses, very Clark Kent like.

He takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes "Elena, everything ok?" He asks

"I couldn't sleep," I said

He closes his laptop and places his glasses on top of it " I understand all too well."

"Are you still working?" I ask

"It's hard to stop when you own the business." He chuckles

"Have a seat" he said

I sit in a chair right next to Griffin's bed.

"When will he wake up?" My voice rasps

"We don't's hard to say. The doctor said it's up to him, the best we can do is keep him breathing." His voice is low and sounds far away.

"There's a chance he might not-" Logan stopped himself

"No, don't. Please." I beg

He has to make it.... right?

"He has to make it. He'll make it. He won't leave like this. Not like this. He can't. I won't let him. He can't. This can't happen." An anguished sob came from me

Life can't be this cruel.

It's not fair.


I beg and pray to every god that crosses my mind.

I prayed before I go to bed, and I prayed when I woke up.

But they always answer me the same. Silence.

A hand touches my shoulder softly.

"He wrote you a letter." Logan begins

"He wanted me to give it to you at the right time. I don't know when the right time is. But it feels like it's time." He holds out a white envelope

"Why would he write me a letter?" Tears stream down my face, my heart has been speared, and I can't stop the bleeding.

"I guess he was afraid this would happen," Logan said

"Please take it." His voice shakes

I take the letter from him with trembling hands.

"When did he give you this?"

How does one breathe?

"The day before I knew he went out to find you." He responds

"If I had known- I would of stop him. I should of fight harder to make him stay." Logan's voice shakes harder

"It was my fault." His eyes mist as he fights to hold together

"I was the last person to see him before he left." A single tear slides down his cheek as he looks at his brother

"I'm his older brother. And I failed him."

Have you ever witnessed a man break?

It's the most heartbreaking sight.

He covers his trembling lips with his hand as he watches his younger brother on the hospital bed.

I want to help hold him together, but I can't. I'm not strong enough to help anyone.

"Logan..." But I try anyway

I squeeze his hand and he looks down at it. He rubs his hand over his eyes "I need to go for a walk." He said

He gives me a small smile with a light reassuring hand squeeze

"Ok" I reply

Logan slides the curtain and left.

I look down at the white envelope he gave me.

I turn it over, and my name is written in Griffin's handwriting at the center. It's beautiful.

A single tear drops on the envelope and dirties it. I wipe my tears frantically, but they won't stop.

I sob amidst the silence, his machine beeping, chest rising and falling, heart beating along with mine. But he's not here with me.

I hold his hand and kiss the fingers that once held mine back.

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