Chapter 63: Announcement

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Griffin and Logan steps into the meeting room, and ten board members sit in their respective chairs.

Gerald Godson sits on the right-hand side at the head of the table. The head of the table is still empty, reserved for his grandfather.

Griffin sits three seats down from his father, while Logan sits opposite him.

Gerald looks at both his son, his face revealing nothing.

"Congratulations on your engagement, Griffin." An older gray-haired man in a dark gray suit said

"Thank you, Mr. Hunting" Griffin responds

"When's the wedding?" Another middle age man in a dark blue suit ask

"Soon, we're still in the process of planning everything"

"When do we get the pleasure of meeting this lovely young lady?" Mr. Hunting ask

Never. He plans to have a quiet peaceful life with his wife and children. That's why he got their house where it's located in the first place, it allows them privacy, and his children can also run around and play on their vast property.

Once his children are old enough and can watch out for themselves, maybe he'll move without worrying too much about their safety.

Maybe he and Elena will grow old together in the house he built for them, watching the sunrise every morning together.

"Maybe someday," he said

The door suddenly opens, and his grandfather walks in with his cane in hand, the same man Griffin and Elena met at his grandfather's house trails behind him with a suitcase.

"Sorry for the delay." His grandfather said as he takes his seat at the head of the table.

"Thank you for coming at such short notice, everyone. As we all know, there had been some big changes to the company." He announces as he looks around the table

Everyone listens to him attentively; Gerald's eyes scan the room quietly. Logans and Griffin's eyes remain on their grandfather.

"Congratulations on winning the high-profile contract with Alpec, Gary. " Henry Godson continues

Henry looks at a gray hair man at the end of the table, the man smiles proudly

"Thank you, sir. Our competitors were fierce, but we have a great driven team here. We also have another contract that's currently in negotiations, the response had been positive. Our current competitor is a fairly new start-up company that we have nothing to worry about" Gary responds

Henry's lips twitch "Competitors will come and go, but we will stay. That's why I hand selected each one of you sitting in this very room."

He scans the room once more; everyone remains silent with a smile on their faces

"That's why I must let go of those that are no longer suited for this company," Henry said

The room remains silent.

"Today's meeting, I would like to announce that my grandson, Griffin, will no longer hold a title in this company. As of today, his position had been relinquished." Henry looks directly at Griffin

Complete silent before nervous energy slowly rises in the room all around them, Griffin looks at his grandfather head-on, unblinking.

Everyone was shocked at the abruptness of the announcement.

Someone clears their throat nervously.

Griffin's face remains neutral, revealing nothing to the curious onlookers.

"It had been a great honor having worked alongside many talented individuals such as many of you. This position had provided me with many opportunities, the most important of them all was knowledge." Griffin said to the room

"Knowledge that I will forever hold dear in my heart. I step my foot into this company as a young boy and was eager to learn. I now step out of this company as a young man, equipped with the knowledge and ready to take on the world" Griffin turns to his grandfather who doesn't seem pleased with his little speech.

"Very optimistic, my boy. Oh, to be young and full of hope again." Henry said

Griffin turns to his grandfather a smile slowly stretches from his lips "I know it's something you missed greatly. But don't worry, grandfather. I won't disappoint."

To the onlookers, it looks like harmless banter, but from the slight twitch of his grandfather's eyes, Griffin knew his grandfather understood.

Henry's smile is still plastered on his face like a proud grandparent "Knowing you I'm not worried." A smirk on his grandfather's face.

"You're no longer part of this meeting, you are dismissed. I'll give you two weeks to clear your office." Henry's cold demeanor seeps through.

Griffin gets up from his chair and readjusts his suit "I don't need my two weeks. I'll clear out my office today."

Griffin turns to everyone around the room "Gentlemen, have a great rest of your days."

" too" Mr. Hunting responds

Everyone else is too stunned to respond.

More chairs scrape.

"Gentlemen the meeting isn't over." Henry Godson said

Gerold and Logan Godson stand up from their seats.

"You may say your goodbyes after this meeting is over," Henry said sternly

For the first time since the meeting started, Gerold smiled.

Gerold takes off his access badge and places it on the table, Logan follows suit.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Henry fight to control his anger

"I quit," Gerold said. His eyes slightly flair at his admission, two little words lift the burden off his chest, and he breathes lighter.

"I'm done, I quit. Unlike you, I choose to stand beside my sons. I will be their father and help guide them through life, I won't abandon them for my own beliefs. If you choose to let go of my boys, I go with them." Gerold said

Henry slams his fists on the table shocking everyone in the room "Get the fuck out of my building before I call securities!"

Logan places his access badge on the table, his right-hand man looks to want to say something. Logan smiles at him and he stops.

"Goodbye, father," Gerold said 

All three of them walked out the door, none look back to see the wreckage of shock they left behind.

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