Chapter 22: Enough Information for You?

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He drives us out longer, it's now been 45 minutes since we had been on the road. With more soft music playing in the background, I start to relax. I keep my gaze out the window, a scenic ocean view came into focus, and I sit up a little straighter as I take in the sights. It's beautiful.

We came across a bridge; Griffin took us across it.

A restaurant with a thatched roof came into view, he pulls us in.

"What is this?" I ask

"We're having a meal," he said

" You take me all the way out here to have a meal," I said suspiciously as I arch an eyebrow

"What would you rather I take you out here for?" He arches an eyebrow back

"Oh, I don't know, to dump my body in the ocean maybe?"

"Trust me, what I want to do with your body has nothing to do with dumping it in the ocean" he response

I whip my neck so fast to him that I almost break it

"Now, would you rather walk yourself out there, or would you rather I carry you in front of these people? You choose." He said

We stare at each other, and neither of us refuses to back down.

Griffin let out a sigh " Alright, your choice " he makes a start to reach out for me

"Alright! Alright! I'll go!" I said as I fight off his hands

"I don't know, I think I'm starting to change my mind. I like the idea of carrying you out there better" he makes an attempt to reach for me again

"Griffin!" I exclaim

He chuckles as he retreats to his side, looking pleased with himself " Alright, let's go eat" he said

The inside of the restaurant is absolutely beautiful, decorated in tiki hut style, and palm trees are placed as decorations all around the restaurant. Almost all tables are occupied by patrons. A tiki bar locates against the wall in the middle of the room, all chairs are occupied.

Griffin walks us up to the host station. The host looks up, her eyes instantly land on Griffin, cheeks stain in slight pink as she addresses him " Hi" she said

"Table for two, please," Griffin said

That's when she notices me next to him, her cheeks take on a deeper pink shade

"Of course," she quickly grabs the menus and asks us to follow her

She leads us to a table for two that's next to the wooden railing with a fantastic view of the ocean

We both take our seats "This will be your seat. Alley, your server will be with you momentarily." She addresses us, but her eyes remain on Griffin.

Griffin opens his menu, already reading through it

"Thank you," I said to the girl politely, she turns to me and quickly dodge her eyes, and said " You're welcome " then she was gone

I open up my menu and start looking

"Hi, I'm Alley and I'll be taking care of both of you today. What can I get you both to start with?" I look up at Alley's bright smile

"I'll have water," Griffin said

"I'll have water too" I add

"Of course, coming right up!" Alley said cheerfully

I look out into the ocean; a slight breeze came through the open space the water swaying gently with the wind. A little boy and his dad are playing next to the water, the little boy splashes at his dad and tries to run away, his dad caught the boy, swings him up, and sits him on top of his shoulders, and the boy laughs. I smile at the scene.

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