Chapter 56: Morning Play

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The next few days had been relentless, Griffin continually made love to me as if he couldn't have enough of me. 

My body stirs awake, I slowly open my eyes. Something heavy is pressed down on my waist, I look down, and Griffin's big arm is draped across my waist. I try to lift his heavy arm slowly so as not to wake him. I was almost completely free when the arms flopped back down on me and wrap themselves around my waist and drag me flushed against his body.

Something hard presses against my butt.


Realizing what it is I try to scoot my body away, but I am met with resistance, the same arm drags me back and presses me harder against him.

I close my eyes. I can make out the exact shape of him against my butt. I clench my thighs together remembering the feels he evokes in me when he's between my thighs.

My breathing increase and I clench my thighs together harder.

His hips flex and he slowly grinds himself into me. I close my eyes and relish the feelings.

"Takes off your bottoms and sits on my face, baby." Came his rough voice

I clench my thighs together harder. My breathing doesn't slow down, if anything my heart beats even faster.

I hesitate, and my hands slowly went down to the waistband of my bottoms, I hesitate a moment more before slowly with shaking hands pushing them down my legs.

I feel him growing even bigger against my bare butt

"Fuck" he grinds out

"Climb on my face, baby." His rough voice sends goosebumps down my skin

I slowly turn to him, and he looks down at my face, a strained expression in his eyes.

I slowly raise myself, Griffin's eyes went down to my sex, and I swing one leg over his big body, spreading my thighs even wider, he clenches his jaw taking all of me in, and his eyes roam over me from below.

Griffin adjusts his body, laying flatter on the bed

"Get up here, baby." He said

I do as I'm told; I slowly climb up his body

The closer I get to his face, the more nervous I feel.

"Don't think, baby. Just get up here, I'll do the rest." His dark gaze remains on me

I climb the rest of the way up until my sex is positioned directly on top of his line of sight

"Fuck, look how you're clenching for me. I wish you can see yourself from here. Beautiful." He said

"Hold on to the bedposts in front of you. Lower yourself for me" He instructs

I reach out and brace both my hands on the bedpost. And ever so slowly, I lower myself closer to Griffin's face.

He slides his tongue slowly over the length of me "You're so wet. You're dripping all over, baby." Came his voice

"Griffin!" I moan

"Yeah, baby? What do you want?" He asks

He licks me one more time

"Aaah!" I moan

"Do you like my tongue on you?" He asks

He licks the edges around my inner lips

"Yes!" I finally say it out loud

Before I have time to even think, he latches his mouth to my lower lips " Ohh Griffin!" I moan

He makes out with my lower lips just like my top. I shamelessly grind myself over his face.

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