Chapter 53: Apple Tree

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I walk along the hospital hallway; I smile at the hospital staff and patients.

Griffin had been moved to a different room; I stand outside his door with a grin that I can't seem to stop.

I knock on the door twice before opening it.

So many flowers in every possible available space, I have no clue who they all are from but I'm happy to see them brighten up his room.

Griffin is not alone; he rarely is until around 7 pm when the hospital staff starts to kick everyone out except for the immediate family member.

I greet everyone as I poke my head in, and everyone greets me back.

Griffin is sitting up in bed, his back prompt up against the pillow behind him. He smiles at something someone had just said.

He turns to me; his eyes slowly slide down my body with that devastating smile on his face. I'm not sure if he meant to do it or not, but goosebumps break out on my skin.

"Hey." He spoke

I look down for a moment to compose myself, my heart thumping stupidly in my chest.

I look back up, his eyes still on me. Suddenly I feel very shy. "Hi," I said back

Someone cleared their throat "Well I think we've taken enough of your time, son. Why don't we leave and let him rest a bit more." Gerald said to everyone

Everyone obeys, they all said their goodbye and filed one by one out of the room.

Gerald smiles at me as he walks by.

Logan winked at me before leaving.

Lisa gives me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Everyone else nods in greeting.

Until one by one, they're all gone.

It's just me and him in the room.

I walk closer to his bed, a bag in my hand. I place it on his bedside table, the only place where there's any little room left.

I stand close to his bed.

"You changed," he said

I'm no longer wearing my hospital gown

"I did. They discharged me today."

"I kind of like it when we matched" he responds

He smiles teasingly

"You and hundreds of other patients can match" I tease back

"No, just you and me." He looks into my eyes and has butterflies in my stomach.

"But you look good in anything." He continues

I look at his hospital gown, his broad shoulder stretches the materials out. His shoulder, part of his collar bone peaks out from under it. I didn't know anyone could look good in it. But he manages somehow.

"That door doesn't have a lock. You keep looking at me like that, we'll both be in trouble, baby."

"What?!" I look up quickly

His arms were around my waist before I could react pulling me close to him.

"Griffin!" I yelp

His face was close to mine, a mischievous grin on his face

"But that bathroom does" he whisper

"You're going to reopen your stitches. Stop joking around" I said

"Who said anything about a joke?" He looks into my eyes, a mischievous grin still on his face

Then something else wedges into my chest

"Your fiancé." I place my palm flat against his chest and push

He burrows his face into my shoulder "What about my fiancé" his voice muffled against my skin

"She's...." I begin "She won't be happy seeing us like this" my throat feels tight

He looks back up at me then, eyes scanning mine "Like what?" He asks

I swallow.

"Like lovers," I said

"Is that what we look like?" he asks

"Yes, now let me go." I begin pushing at his chest

He doesn't relent, he pulls me closer to his hard chest "No, I'm not letting you go."

"Griffin...I can't do this." My voice trembles

"I can't be the other woman. Please don't make me." I beg him then

"I won't make you the other woman." He looks at me in earnest

"This. You're making me."

It hurts.

I knew it would.

"Please don't make me stay and watch you two together. I... I can't do it. It would kill me." I don't think I could survive it.

He places both my hands against his chest, his heart thumps against my palm. "This right here. Only beats for you. It's only ever been for you."

Both his hands engulf mine and lift it to his lips. He kisses them gently, emotions in his eyes. "I love you, Elena." He said softly

My breath hitch in my throat, and my eyes burn.

"It's only been you, baby. No one else. You take up so much space in my chest. I have no room for no one else, but you." He gently moves my hair behind my ear

"My future is with no one else. You're my future."  Tears slide down my face, he wipes them gently with his fingers

"I will do my best to give you only tears of happiness. Tears when our firstborn comes into this world" he kisses my forehead

"Tears when you walk down the aisle in your white gown." He kisses my brows

"We would live a happy life together. Our kids would be grown, and it'll be just you and I again." He kisses tears on my left cheek

"Tears when I take my final breath with you because if you go, I'll go, Elena. I will love you through it all." He presses his forehead against mine gently and closes his eyes.

"But that is only if you would have me. Jackie and I are not engaged, and never will be." He takes in a deep shaky breath

"I won't stop you if you go... I promise." His hold on my arms tightens slightly before he loosens it.

"You're free. I won't-" He stopped himself momentarily

"I won't look for you." He said finally

He stays in the same position refusing to look up at me.

I take in a deep shaky breath, place my hand on both sides of his face lifting it to mine.

"Don't look for me." I search his eyes.

His brows pinch in pain as he takes in my face

"Because I'll be right here with you."

I lean down and kiss him.

His lips are soft against mine, and his breath shakes.

His lips found mine, he takes them between his. Suckle gently before deepening it with his tongue. His hand slides up my face into my hair, shivers run down my spine.

He tastes like a sweet apple. Big apple tree under the hot sun, bright sunlight shines through its green leaf. A boy and a girl sitting on a swing under the tree. They both laugh in the wind as they swing higher and higher off the ground. The little boy reached out his hand to her and the little girl takes it. Their feet no longer touch the ground as they both swings together. Their giggles and laughter fill the quiet air.

"I love you, Griffin," I said

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