Chapter 32: Rainy Day

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It's been two weeks since the car incident, and Griffin's security team had been placed all around the property. Nothing else had happened since but I'm still wary. 

I woke up with intense cramps, stress makes my period cramps worse. 

I took midole thirty minutes ago and still lying in bed, I lay to my side pressing the pillow closer to my stomach to ease the cramping.

It's raining hard outside; I hear raindrops hitting the rooftop. My favorite weather to be at home.

I hear the door open behind me, moments later the bed dips in weight.

I feel Griffin's body leaning over, he presses his palm against my forehead.

"You're burning up," Griffin said "I'm going to call our doctor." He adds

"Just leave me alone," I mutter

"Elena, be reasonable."

A single tear streaked down my cheek onto the pillow "I'm no use for you in this condition. You don't have to pretend to play nice."


"It's my period," I said to the quiet room

"Is that how badly you think of me?" He asks. I turn to him and let him see the pain I'm in "You're the worse." Another tear streaked down my cheek "How does this work, huh? I let you do things to me carry your baby then what? You'll let me go and keep the child?"

"Or are you going to keep me around and play with me some more until you're sick of me?" I sob then, and my shoulders tremble. I hit his chest; he doesn't move. He sits there and takes my punches he looks at me with vacant eyes. 

"I'm just a piece of chess for you people to move around. I have flesh and feelings, Griffin. How could you do this to me...." Heavy storm brew in my chest

His head bowed as he takes my punches "You're not a piece of chess." 

"Griffin, everything that you had done is for this! If I give you a baby, will you fucking let me go?!" I yell to his face. He's taken back like I just slap him across the face "You're not feeling 100% right now. We'll talk when you feel better. Come down when you're ready."

He's hesitant in his movement before getting up and leaving the room.

I turn in the opposite direction, my back to the door and I shut my eyes, I block it all out, I block the world around me. 

My eyes flutter open, and I have fallen asleep. I look at the clock, I was asleep for about three hours. Something feels warm against my stomach, I look down, a heating pad had been placed against it.

I raise my upper body off the bed into a sitting position, my cramps subside, and my body feels much lighter. 

I make my way downstairs I hear clanking in the kitchen.

I stop midway at the sights, Griffin in an apron with its string tied at his back into a bow stirring a pot.

He tastes the soup, deciding it's not enough flavoring and decides to add more seasoning from the cabinet. He turns and sees me.

"Hey" he hesitant for a moment

I make my way toward the island and seat down

"What are you making?" I ask

A long pause moment before he responded "Chicken soups. Lisa used to make for us when we weren't feeling good." He spoke softly

He grabs a bowl and starts scooping up the soups into it. He places the bowl down in front of me, I stare down at it without words. "You need to eat. How else do you have the strength to fight with me." He said

I look down at the soup longer before picking up the spoon and tasting it without words. I cough instantly. 

Concern edge over his expression, he opens the fridge, grabs a water bottle, and twists it open before handing it to me.

"Drink this. That bad huh." He said

I take a good swing from the water bottle

"No. Hot." I manage to say

Silence hits the room once more. "I'm going to make some business calls," he said. I make no move to respond. 

He leaves the room. 

I finish the soup, clean the dish and make my way to the sofa and sit down on it. I grab the throw blanket lying on top of the sofa and wrap it around myself. I watch the rain cascade down the large glass window, everything looks so murky and dark outside.

Lights turned down low, a few candles are lit up inside. I wrap the blanket tighter around my body. My mind and body are overwhelmingly exhausted. 

I turn the TV on and watch Cartoon Network. Moments later the sofa dip. Griffin sits close on the opposite side of the sofa. 

He hands me a chocolate chip cookie, I take it.  

I peek at the table, a plate full of chocolate chip cookies layout for me on it.

I snuggle closer into my blanket, Johnny Bravo playing on the screen. Temporarily bliss takes over. 

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