Chapter 41: Spaces Between Us

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Griffin's hand grips mine tightly as we creep our way into the forest.

We hurriedly move and haven't made any stops, I lost count of how long we had been on the move.

Griffin stumbles, he leans on a nearby tree for support. He lets go of my hand as he steadies himself.

I went to his side " Are you ok?" I ask, beats of sweat break out on his forehead, he's pale and his lips lose almost all color.

"Oh my god, Griffin! You need rest." I said

He turns and presses his back against the tree. " I'm ok. I just need to catch my breath for a moment. We need to keep moving." He said

He has one of his hands pressed to his side, I walk closer to him.

"Move your hand," I said, my fingers trembling

"Elena, please. Just let me catch my breath for a minute, we can keep moving."

"Move your hand, Griffin," I said again

He doesn't move his hand, instead, he looks at our surroundings. I move his hand out of the way myself and lift the jacket he had put on before we left the warehouse.

Dark red blood stains soak through and saturated his shirt at his lower abdomen, I make to lift his shirt, and his hand grasps mine.

"It's nothing. Let's go" he said

I wrestle my hand free and lift his shirt, I gasp sharply at the sight.

He has a deep, gushing wound on the left side of his stomach. He hisses in pain.

"Oh my god, Griffin...We have to stop the bleeding-" before I could finish, we both hear movement to our left

Griffin pushes his shirt down "We have to keep moving." He said

He tugs me beside him without another word.

We move until darkness fall; Griffin looks like he's about to pass out.

"Griffin, we need to rest. It's dark, they won't see us. Please." I said

Griffin nod clenching his jaw.

We found a shrubbery area that helps conceal us from view.

I help lower Griffin down on the ground with his back against the tree trunk, and both legs stretch out before him with his eyes close.

I rip off the bottom part of my shirt, lean in, and reach around Griffin's waist, wrapping the cloth securely around him. I tied a knot at his uninjured side, I look up at Griffin, but his eyes are already on me. Those piercing hazel eyes, my throat bob as I try to swallow.

His hand lifts the side of my face, moving the loose hairs behind my ear. His finger caresses my skin softly. The wind rustles the trees around us, and the forest falls silent except for our breathing.

"I miss you." He said quietly

Words stuck in my throat, and the silence stretched.

"I miss you too," I respond quietly

He lifts my chin with his fingers " Are you hurt anywhere?" He asks

I shake my head; a weak smile stretches from his lips before he leans his back against the tree

"But you are," I said

He looks up at the dark sky "I'll be ok. I just need a quick rest."

The wind starts to pick up and the temperature begins to drop, I wrap my arms around my body instinctively.

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