Chapter 4: Open the Door, Elena.

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As soon as I returned to Godson's residence, I resided in my room. Lisa briefly greeted me and informed me that I could focus on my study today.

Griffin was to have a few of his friends from school come by today so I can stay put and she will take care of everything.

I was surprised she didn't ask me to take care of them, but I'm not about to question her decision. I'm more than happy to stay out of their way. I ate what Lisa made me for dinner and stayed in my room the rest of the day to do my homework and projects.

I look at the clock it's 8:30 pm.

I stretched my arms over my head when a knock on my door jolted me.

Maybe Lisa needs help cleaning up, rowdy high school kids can make a lot of mess.

I grab my hair's tie on the table and work to twist my hair into a bun, I hate having my hair in the way while I do chores. I open the door.

My arms freeze midair.

Standing in front of my room is not Lisa.

His eyes travel up my arm where it's holding up my hair.

I drop my arms quickly in surprise, his eyes follow the cascade of my hair as they fall on my shoulder.

"How can I help you, Griffin?" I ask.

His eyes lift to my face leisurely before darting into my bedroom.

I move to block his view. His lip twitches.

He hands me a piece of paper I'm hesitant to take it.

I narrow my eyes at it before shooting a glance up at Griffin.

His face gives nothing away. 

"Why are you so suspicious of a piece of paper?" He asks.

"What is it for?" I ask

He looks at the paper and sighs before turning the paper over and holding it up for me to read. 

It reads "Parental Consent Form."

My mouth presses into a thin line, and I look back up at this boy in a new light.

He had been hit in the head too many times by a soccer ball, they unknowingly destroyed his chances of getting into a good university.

It's a good thing that his family is rich, they can afford brain scans and treatments for him.

"Griffin..." I said softly "That's for your dad. His room is down the hall to your far left." I debate whether I should just walk him there.

"No, this is for you." He said.

How do I tell him he's stupid?

"Griffin..." I try again.

Griffin pinches his nose with two fingers and looks up at the ceiling like he's praying for patience.

It must be hard for him.

"Lord please give me strength--" He mumbles under his breath.

"I'll pray for you tonight too," I said with sympathy.

"Jesus!" Now he's frustrated.

I gently place my hand on his arm.

"Hey, it's ok" I comfort him.

He looks down at where my hand made contact with his arm, heat emits from his skin, thick and warm. I quickly remove my hand and clear my throat nervously.

"From Mr.Mattigon," he said.

My head whips up quickly "Why do you have it?"

He shrugs his big shoulders "I was nearby and dropped in."

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