Ch 43: In the Hospital's Room

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Noises in the room stir me awake, I hear hushing voices before I slowly open my eyes.

Logan and my brother are in the room, I slowly look around. I'm in a hospital room, machine beeping and an IV in my arm.

They both are busy in what looks like an argument to notice me being awake.

I take the opportunity to listen in.

"The fuck are you doing in here," Elric said

"I'm here to see, Elena," Logan said

Eric closes the distance between them " The fuck you are. Get out while I'm still asking nicely."

"This is you asking nicely? I hate to see the sorry bastard when you're not asking nicely." Logan chuckle

This infuriates Elric even more "That sorry bastard is about to be you, asshole."

Logan steps in closer toward Elric, and he towers over him. "Such smart mouth."  Logan looks amuse

Elric pushes Logan against the opposite wall "I should punch the smug look off your goddamn face. My sister is on that bed because of your goddamn family, asshole." Rage fills Elric's eyes.

Logan looks down at Elric.

"You look tired, you should stay at my place," Logan said

Elric release Logan, like he just got burned.

"Why the fuck would I stay at your place"

Logan adjusts his gray button up shirt and shrug

"I have multiple places. One of them is closer to this hospital, it makes sense for you to stay there while still being close to your sister. I know this hospital's couch can't be that comfortable."

"I rather lay on a pile of dirt than stay anywhere with anyone of you." My brother spit out

"I'm honored," Logan said with a smile

Elric looks at him like he just grew two heads

"The fuck is wrong with you? Do you enjoy being insulted?"

Logan seems to think it over. Thoughtful looks pass over his face "Now that you mention it, maybe I do enjoy being insulted. You should try complimenting me instead for a change, maybe I would hate that."

"You lost your damn mind"

"No, really. You should try it." Logan urges him.

"Say Logan you're amazing and I love to stay at your place tonight."

My brother raises his face close to Logan's, his lips stretching into a smile before uttering sweet words.

"Go fuck yourself," Elric said, he turns and walked off closing my hospital's door behind him.

Logan stays rooted in place where my brother just left him.

A slow smile stretches from his lips before he turns and follows my brother out the door.


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