Chapter 9: Five Years

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I was told to join the Godsons for dinner later that night by Lisa.

I don't want to go. I refuse it. 

"It's not an invite... it's more of a request". Lisa said

In other words, they're not asking, they're telling. 


So here I am sitting in front of my vanity mirror staring at my reflection.

My fuzzy black hair is tampering down into beautiful straight hair. They shine under the reflective light beautifully. 

A beautiful, elegant spaghetti strap dress with golden yellow color fits me like a glove flairs out from the waist down, and reaches below my knees.

I run my hands over the material, it's the most beautiful thing I ever have on and it's not even mine.

Lisa had come into my room earlier with the dress in a plastic bag draped over her arms and told me it was for me to wear tonight. 

They dress up me like a plastic doll. I feel empty inside. 

A knock on my door "It's time, Elena." Lisa announces

I smile at my reflection in the mirror, but the girl in the mirror's eyes didn't smile back.

I follow behind Lisa. 

Lost in thoughts I almost run into her back when she stops suddenly "Elena's here." She announces into the room. 

I look up, and all three of Godson's men stand up from their seats. 

Gerald Godson has a smile on his face " I'm pleased you can join us, Elena." 

"Thank you for having me." I chance to glance at Logan and Griffin. 

They both dress up in a nice button up shirt, Griffin has on a dark blue while Logan has on a dark gray shirt. Gerold has on a white button shirt and sits at the head of the table while both Griffin and Logan sit to his right. 

Logan looks down the length of me " I must say, I barely recognize you tonight. You look lovely." He said, I return a polite smile. 

I glanced at Griffin, his eyes dance against the fireplace's golden flames.

The fireplace crackles with sparks giving his eyes a sudden flair as he looks at me. 

Momentarily memorize by the way he looks at me, I mentally shake my head. It's just the trick of the light, Elena.

The chair screeches, Griffin step from his seat eyes lingering on me. 

He moves behind me, his scent and heat are radiant all around me. He pulls the chair out for me. I turn to him then, his face inches from mine.

My chest hitches at the intimacy in his eyes.  

His eyes slide down and trail to the hollow of my neck as if he's staking claim of every inch of me.

"You look stunning." He whispers when his eyes reach back to mine rendering me speechless. 

He makes his way back to his seat. Stunned, my eyes trail after him wordlessly. 

Everyone sits back down. My hands on my lap I try to calm my racing heart. 

Don't be fooled, Elena. Of course, he can be charming when he wants to be. I tell myself. 

Gerald Godson nods to someone behind me, a few seconds later three servers come in and start placing food on the table. 

"Elena, I like to introduce you to my oldest son, Logan. But it sounds like you two had already met." 

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