Chapter 8: Moving Through

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I woke up the next morning to a knock on my bedroom door, with Lisa's voice telling me that my ride will be here in an hour to take me to school.

I lay there a couple more minutes longer staring at the wall. I got up and get ready. I took my time taking a nice hot shower.

I went out and sat on the front step waiting for the ride. A few minutes went by when a familiar car pull in and slow down. " Elena! Oh my god, are you ok?!" Kate exclaims as she climbs out of the car to hug me " I came by yesterday to get you.  But these people wouldn't let me in, I almost climb the gate, but they threaten to call security on me, can you believe the audacity?!"

Kate looks toward the door " You have nothing I want to steal here! " She yells into the empty doorway. 

"Anyway, Griffin approached me at school yesterday. Telling me to come to get you today. What's going on, Elena?"

So like Kate to fire a million questions at once. 

"Can we get in the car first, please? I like to go."

 Anywhere else but here. I almost tell her to just drive, not to school, but just drive and go. Go wherever the road takes us. 

In the end, I lie to Kate. I told her I had a stomach virus.

My heart is in turmoil, I hate lying to my best friend. 

When we get out of the car, I pull her into a hug surprising her "I love you, Kate. Thank you" 

She hesitates only a small moment before hugging me back "Hey, I love you too." 

We plan to hang out before we go our separate ways in school. 

My steps echos in the empty hallway, we come in earlier today. Kate has a group project meeting she needs to do before her presentation. 

Which I don't mind because I get to go to the library and have its quiet energy to myself early this morning. 

I mull over and over again what Gerald Godson said.

Signed me over......My parents allowed this...

They picked up that pen and signed my life away. 

A dull ache in my chest. The back of my eyes burns.

"Griffin! Did you wait long? Let's go!"

My attention turns toward the source. Our eyes connect from across the hall. 

He stands still in the middle of the hall; his friend moves ahead but he doesn't.

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. 

What happens when your soul is as black as the darkest sea? Will your eyes turn to a deep shade of fiery black?


They're hazels with specs of gold.

"I'll be there in a minute, go ahead without me," Griffin said to his teammate.

The hallway is now empty, only the two of us.

Step, step. 

He walks closer. 

Until he stands before me, I don't move. He takes another step closer. I don't move. He stops. 

Tick tick. The clock's handle moves and time flows. Tick tock. 

His eyes scan my face, slowly. Ever so slowly. He doesn't say anything.

"What do you want?" I ask 

His eyes search mine as if he cares. I scoff. 

"Are you ok?" He asks 

"What do you care." I response curtly 

"Elena, you fucking passed out yesterday. I'm not a fucking monster." He response

I let my disdain show "Fucking understatement of the year. Don't you think?"

"Jesus, it's early morning Elena. Do you really want to pick a fight with me right now?"

"Is that what we're doing? I thought we were bonding as your father wants. Wanna make a fucking friendship bracelet together later?" I ask

He runs a hand through his dark hair letting out a deep sigh

"I'll see you around." He said before turning away

"Let's not." I walk in the opposite direction.  


The next few days had been smooth, I didn't run into Griffin as much. 

I navigate through the house like a spy, I pretty much check every corner before I turn.

Sounds ridiculous but I don't care. I'll spend time with him when hell freezes over.  

I check for Griffin's car outside, it's nowhere in sight.

Time to clean his room. 

I don't let my attention linger on anything for too long in his room. Lesson learned and I'm a quick learner. 

 My ears strain for any movements outside the door. I finished it in no time, and quickly made my way out. 

The room in the opposite hall caught my attention the door is slightly ajar. 

That's Logan's room. 

I do a quick sweep around the hall looking for anyone else around. No one. 

I tip-toes quietly toward the ajar door. 

I told myself I'll just take a quick look and I'll go back downstairs. 

My nosy nature kicks in when it presents an opportunity. Every single time without fail. 

I reach for the door and do another quick sweep of my surrounding. 

With my hand on the handle, I slowly crack it open wider. 

When the door suddenly opened, I almost flew with it.

I came face to face with a mountain of a man, he raises his left eyebrow looking down at me. 

I stare up at him, dumbfounded. I mean, what do I say? Hello, my name is Elena. Sorry, you caught me trying to snoop.

"Can I help you?" His voice is deep and rich like velvet

"Um I saw the door open, so I came to check if someone was trying to steal something" I reply


I blink a few times. 

He looks at me. 

Then out of nowhere, a resounding rich laughter greets my ears. 

Not one of those fake laughs, but one that reaches your eyes and crinkles your ears and makes you wonder what could make a person so happy to let out such a laugh. 

And of course, I smile like an idiot watching him laugh at me.

"I can assure you nothing is being stolen. Now who are you and what's your name?" He asked 

"I'm Elena Melvic. And I'm- the maid" His eyes flicker with recognition " Ah you're one of the Melvic."

I flinched, of course, he knows. Feeling very out of place, I suddenly don't want to be here anymore. 

"I should go," I said

He makes no indication to reply just assesses me with his eyes. Whatever conclusions he comes up with his only response was a slight nod.

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