Chapter 29: Hello, Elena.

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I went back out to get more groceries after Mason left.

I decide to use chicken noodle soup as my base and add more ingredients to it, I added more chicken parts, chopped them up, and freeze the rest. I got more vegetables, but not too much, I don't want them to spoil before I can get to them. I add more water to dilute the salt content in the soup. I stirred the pot when the soup starts to bubble and turn off the stovetop.

By the time I'm done, I have a good size pot going. I taste the soup " Hmmm not bad" I smile at my Frankenstein of a soup.

I usually cook based on the ingredients I have on hand, and never particularly follow specific recipes.

I tried my hands on baking, I look at my jar of chocolate chip cookies, my yummy desserts. They turned out pretty good if I must say so myself.

I get some soups in my bowl and decide to have some before I go to work.

After washing my dishes, the pot finally cools down I make room in my fridge and stick the soup in before heading out for work.

"Hey, Elena" Ashley greets me

"Hey, Ashley. Been busy today?" I ask

"No, it's been pretty steady. I need to go with Luz today to get some supplies for the catering, you think you'll be ok here by yourself?" She asks

"Of course, is Luz here right now?" I ask

"No, she's about to swing by and pick me up to go with her" Ashley respond

"Josh should be in a little later today, he said something about having to deal with an emergency." Ashley continues

"Ok, no problem," I said

"Luz is here! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call me or Luz, ok?" She said on her way out

"Ok, I will. Have fun!" I said

"Oh! Make sure Josh cleans his mess before he leaves today if we don't make it back on time! " Ashley said before she swings the door close behind her

I wave at Luz, whose seating in the car waiting for Ashley. She waves right back when she sees me. They both peel out of the parking space.

I decide to use the time and wipe the glass windows clean while no one is in yet.

Josh made it in a few hours later " Hey sorry, my parents couldn't make it to pick up my little sister from school, so I had to get her and had to wait in the parking lot till her school let out." He said all in one breath before getting a drink of water from the machine.

"It's ok. Is everything ok now?" I ask

" I have to leave earlier to relieve the babysitter today, my parents might be really late tonight. I already talked to Luz, you're ok closing by yourself tonight?"  Josh asks

"I'll be ok, we're not too busy today anyway," I said

"Good! I'll help you as much as I can before I leave today" he said

"Thank you," I said

 It was a lie, today turn out to be a very busy day, but Josh and I handles it.

I wipe down the tables when we start to slow down, I look at the clock it's 8 pm.

Josh makes his way around the counter; he begins to clean the area.

"Hey, we're closing in 30 minutes, do you think you'll be ok if I head out now?" Josh asks while he begins to put the dirty towels away

I look at him and smile "Yes, I'll be ok. Go see your little sister. I got this." I said

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