Chapter 30: Truth

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He sits across from me on his private plane, a glass of whiskey in hand looking out the window. 

He hasn't said a word, sipping his whiskey in silence. 

He looks at me "would you like some?" He asks 

This time I ignore him, turn my head away, and look out the window instead. 

I narrow my eyes and look at him when he doesn't say anything, whiskey in hand he brings it to his lip with a smile behind it. 

"Spite of fire." He said

I turn completely to him than "what?" I ask 

"You're like a spite of fire. You're nice to everybody except me, why is that?" He asks

"It's like you're asking why the sky is blue, it's jus-" I begin

"Actually, science can explain why the sky is blue. Why everybody else and not me?" He asks, there's something to his tone and the look in his eyes that makes me stop and consider his question seriously. 

And for the love of all things, I couldn't come up with an answer. Was it because of the curse? 

"Because you're the only one who can bring it out of me," I said. Upon hearing myself, I frown. 

My frown deepens as I think more. I look up at him, his eyes still on me. 

Couldn't take it anymore, I extend out of the seat and lay in it on my side pulling a blanket up to my chin. 

I shut my eyes on him.

It took me a while to fall asleep, but I eventually did. Griffin sits across from me sipping his whiskey in silence.


I'm tussling awake by a steward, she smiles down at me "Good morning, we're about to land here your clothes to change into and some toiletries. The bathroom is down that way." She points me in the direction

I grab the items and thank her; I look around the room. As if reading my mind " Mr. Griffin is on an important phone call at the front of the plane, he'll be right with you." She said with a smile

I give her a small smile before making my way toward the bathroom. Once inside, I lock the door my back against it I slide to the floor.

What the hell was last night? I ask myself.

Why the hell did I answer him like that?!

I remain on the floor thinking to myself when I hear movements right outside the door. I quickly get up and turn on the shower.

By the time I make it back, Griffin is back in his seat, this time a laptop open in front of him.

He looks up when he feels my presence, his eyes running over my dress. It's a dark yellow dress that's slightly above my knees. From the feel of the materials, it's an expensive one.

"Eat something, we're landing in thirty minutes," he said

In front of my seat are espresso coffee, bagels, croissants, eggs, bacon, and a platter of fruits.

I grab the coffee and drink it; Griffin drinks his own while his eyes remain on me.

"Elena. Eat something." He said

I look at him, grab the bagel and bite into it, all the while my eyes remain on him. Not happy. 

Griffin's lip slightly twitches as he sips his coffee.

"I'm glad to see you still have some fights in you," he said

I say nothing back to him. He leans back in his chair, eyes on me.

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