Chapter 33: Don't Look Back

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"I have a meeting at work that I cannot miss." He announces the next day "My men will be around the property. Jake, he's my right hand man." Griffin looks toward the man standing at the entrance of the house

"Please beware that whoever did damage to the car is still out there. If you need anything while I'm gone, let him know." Griffin said

I nod absently. He walks closer "When I come back. Let's talk." He said softly 

I look up at him and nod once more. 

After he left, I pick up the phone and call my best friend.

The line rings when I thought she wouldn't pick up, her voice could be heard through the receiver.

"Hello?" Kate answer

"Kate! It's Elena." I spoke

"Elena! What a nice surprise!" Kate said

A lot of noises and beeping sounds could be heard through the phone receiver. "Where are you?" I ask 

"I'm actually in a hospital right now," Kate said

"What?! What happen?" I ask

"I got hit and run by someone last night. I'm ok, though. Just minor injuries. They just want to keep me here for a few more hours for some exams and make sure I don't have a concussion." Kate said

"Oh my god, Kate! You can't drive in that condition when they release you!" I said

"I'm going to come to see you and drive you! Give me the hospital's name." I said

After getting the name of the hospital I hang up the phone. I look at the phone for moments longer before dialing Griffin's number.

He picks up on the first ring.

"Hey, is everything ok?" He asks

"Hey. It's Kate, someone did a hit-and-run on her last night. She's at a hospital right now, I need to get to her to make sure she's ok." I said


"Griffin?" I speak on the phone

"I'm here." He spoke

He remains silent on the other line "Ok. But please be mindful of your surroundings. Do not go anywhere out of my security guy's line of sight. I mean it's for your safety, Elena." He said

"Ok, I won't," I said

About 30 minutes later, I almost practically run into the hospital's hall if it weren't for all the nursing staff and patients along the hall, instead I opt for a fast walk.

Jake and one other security guy are close on my tail, we all get into an elevator, and both men plank on either side of me as we step in. I don't think I will ever get used to this. The elevator door was starting to close when something caught my eye. A woman walks past the elevator with long black hair, I can only see her from her side profile, but she looks familiar.

"Wait!" I quickly hit the open button on the elevator and step out. I look around, but no one is there.

"Is everything ok?" Jake asks

"I thought I saw someone familiar just now," I said eyes still scanning the place

I look around one last time before stepping back into the elevator.

I push open the hospital's room door, Kate sitting up on the hospital bed in the hospital gown. I quickly make my way to her and hug her
"Ouch," Kate said

" I'm so sorry! Where are you hurt?!" I ask

"Just my ribs are still sensitive, other than that I'm ok." Kate grin

"You scare me half to death! But I'm glad you're ok. So, what exactly happened?" I ask

Kate eyes my security details

"I think I should ask you that instead," Kate said

I look back at the security. Jake nodded at me before stepping out with his partner and standing guard outside instead.

I let out a sigh and tell Kate what happened.

"Oh my god, Elena! Are you ok?" Kate asks

"I'm ok. Be more concerned for you, you just got hit by a car!" I said

"I'm hard to get rid of. You of all people should know that" Kate said with a wave of her hand

"Yeah, you're kind of," I said, we both smiled at each other

"When can you leave?" I ask

"Should be soon, I'm just waiting for my discharge papers," Kate said

"I'm glad-" I said, we both looked toward the door when we hear loud commotions outside

" Stay here, I'm going to check," I said to Kate

I open the door and step out.

I hear it before seeing it, nursing staff gathers around "Get back! Get the fuck back! You can't hold me here!" A man in the patient's scrub yell. He's gripping a knife in his hand; he's gripping it so hard his knuckles turn white.

"Hey Paul, calm down. We're not holding you; we're giving you treatments so you can be well soon." One of the nurses starts to say carefully. Two hospital security guys show up, they slowly edge their way in on the patient.

"I'm unwell?" The patient asks

"Yes. Remember yesterday? You told me how excited you are to get treatment. We have been doing so good; you have been doing so good. You're getting there." The nurse continues. One of the security guys moves in closer.

"I am?" The patient asks

"Yes, yes. You are!" The nurse tries to maintain her tight smile, I can see sweats starting to form on her forehead, and the patient's focus remains on her. One of the security guys take this opportunity and rush in to subdue the patient, but the patient was quick on his feet. He turns quickly and evades the security, twists his body, and got a hold of the security guy instead, he now has his knife at the base of the security's guy throat. His partner standing stunned in position. Everyone gasps and starts to freak out. Chaos ensues, and the energy shift in the room. Jake sigh and glances at his partner, they seem to communicate with each other with unspoken words.

"Elena, please step back into the room. We're going to have to intervene and control the situation." Jake said

I nod my head; eyes remaining on the situation before stepping back but before I could step back inside the room, I feel someone at my back with something pressed against it "Come with me. Don't cause a scene. That poor security man will not make it if you do." A low sinister voice said against my ear.

I felt something prick my neck, my body lower to a wheelchair then everything went dark before I could make a sound.

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