Chapter 48: Sophomore Year in High School- Part II

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Sophomore Year in High School- Part II

He knew it was a bad idea to keep looking at her.

But it was as if she was carrying a magnetic device, always pulling him along. Wherever she's at his eyes always find her, even when he's not trying.

He had been doing great all these years, keeping his distance. But it's getting harder and harder, he blames it on his raging teenage hormones.

He stood prompt up against Blake's locker, waiting for him to get his stuff.

Full view of Elena standing outside talking to Mr. Mattigon outside his classroom.

She's laughing at what he said. Griffin's jaw feels tight. He pushed himself off the locker

"Griffin! You're, ok? I have been calling your name. Let's go before the coach kicks our asses." Blake said

Griffin looked at his friend, debating his options.

"Dude, I know that look. The coach will kill us if you skip this. He did not take it well to you being late to practice these last few weeks. He doesn't care if you're the star of the team. You're on his blacklist right now." Blake said

Griffin looked back up in her direction, but she was gone.

"C'mon let's go!" Blake pushed him in the opposite direction

"Alright, I can walk," Griffin said, irritated.

"Dude, what crawled up your ass? Cheer up!" Blake said

Blake had no idea how close he was getting to losing a couple of his front teeth.

He hated showering at the school's gym. But his irritation would not dissipate so he pushed himself on the field until he can't think anymore.

His clothes were sticking to his body in sweat, a cold shower would do, it'll probably help cool his head and body.

With a towel wrapped around his waist, he walked out of the shower into the locker room.

He walked toward his duffel bag for his new clothes, but they were not in sight.

He looked around at a few of his teammates who were still around putting on clothes.

He let out a deep long sigh. Someone is seriously testing him.

"Today is a bad day for this crap. Who was it?" He looked at his team, everyone avoided his gaze.

"It was Blake. He giggles and runs out with your duffel bag in the hallway." Someone called out

Guess today is the day Blake loses his front teeth.

"I'm gonna rearrange his mouth!" Griffin yelled before making his way out to the hallway.

He looked around the empty hall, classes had been dismissed hours ago. No one was rarely around at this hour except for a few teachers.

"Blake!" Griffin called out in the hallway

"I swear to God when I find you! I'm going t-" he turned at the end of the hallway someone crashed into his chest, and the person bounced back. Reflex kicked in, and both his arms shot out and grasp the person to from falling.

A pool of dark hair flair out in his arms, soft skin buried in his chest.

"I'm so sorry. Are you ok?" Griffin said

She lifted her head, and his eyes widen.

"My head. Do you walk around carrying a rock?" She reached for her head before opening her eyes

When she did, brown eyes look up at him. His eyes drink her in up close, freckles on her nose, angular face sloping down to her chin with pouty lips.

Her hair, he could run his hands over its silky essence all day.

His hands were still on her waist, she felt so soft pressed up against him he had to stop himself.

"Oh my god! Why are you naked?!" She yelled and wrestle from his arms

"What?! I'm not naked, I have on a towel." Griffin looks down at himself

She looked down the length of him, he liked it when she looks at him. He found himself liking it a little too much, he needed to calm down.

"Why are you naked in the hallway?!" She demanded

He closed his eyes and count to three to calm himself down.

"Again. I'm not naked. If you don't know the difference, I'm more than happy to show you the difference." He said with a smile after he got his composure back

"You're unbelievable." She said shaking her head

"What? Still don't believe me?" He asked again

She blushed and step back from him.

He liked her reaction, blushing while looking at him. It looked good on her.

I look good on her.

Shit. Down boy.

She looked down at the book that was dropped and forgotten on the floor.

He was quicker. He picked the book up from the floor before she did and turn it over.

"Give it." She demanded it back

He flipped through the pages instead

"Give it back!" She demanded louder

He flipped through the pages some more

"Are you deaf? I said give it back!" This time she reached for it, and he raised it high over his head. Not that he needed to, she was so small compared to him. But he wanted her closer.

Hell, he'll take what he can get.

He's so far down the rabbit's hole for her, he had no idea how to crawl back up.

At this point, he's not sure he even wanted to crawl back up.

He smiled down at her, her book still high above her head.

He wished she would climb up his body for her book.

A guy can hope.

Until he felt bad for her "I'm just messing. Here's your book back" he handed it back to her

She narrowed her eyes before quickly snatching it from his fingers.

She took the book and wipe it against her jeans, all the while eyes on him.

"Watch where you're going next time, Elena." He said over his shoulder as he walked away. A smile on his face.

Guess Blake gets to keep his front teeth after all.

She turned and walked in the opposite direction, hoping she wouldn't come across this boy again.

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