Chapter 52: Goodbye

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The Past

"Griffin! Griffin!" Someone called out his name, and he stopped walking and turn around.

Jackie Hart stood next to the locker with her girlfriends, she signaled him to wait for her.

She said something to the group, and all the girls turn and smile sweetly at him. Some did the little fingers wave.

He smiles back and looked at his watch.

Jackie makes her way toward him "Hi!" She looked up at him excitedly

"Hey" he responded

He looks back at the group, some of the girls start to whisper to each other and giggle.

"Everything ok?" He asked her

Jackie looked back at the group "Oh! Don't mind them." She turned back to him

"What's going on with you? I never see you around anymore. Every time I asked the boys, they always said you left. Where had you been going lately?"

"Nowhere. I have been going home." He said

Jackie lifted an eyebrow "Really, Griffin? You have been going home." She said, not believing him.

Griffin looked at his watch again.

"Did you need something, Jackie? If not, I have to go."

"I don't need anything. I just missed you."

The look she gave him comes with expectations. Expectations he can't give her.

"Listen Jackie-" He began

"I know, Griffin." She lifted her hand to stop him

"Please. Don't say it. I'm allowed to miss you, don't I?" She looked up at him, eyes searching his. Arms wrapped around his.

"Jackie. We both know this is not what it's about."

"Why are you so mean to me?!" She looked on the verge of crying

"Jackie, being mean would be me dragging you along. I care about you. Don't make this harder on yourself." He said to her

"It's easy for you to say because you never knew what it felt like," she said

Oh, the irony.

It didn't escape him.

"Trust me, I know more than you might think."

She looked up at him suddenly, eyes sharp.

"Who is it?" She sounded almost jealous

"I have to go, Jackie. Take care of yourself." He unraveled her arms from his.

"Griffin!" She called out

He kept walking.

Present Time

"Shit! Shit! Help! Help!" Logan calls out to the nurse

Griffin convulses on the bed, nurses rush into the room.

One of the nurses injects something through his IV line.

His body slowly calms down.

"He's going into cardiac arrest!" One of the nurses said

"Get the defibrillator ready!" Another nurse instructs

One of the nurses begins performing chest compressions while another holds an oxygen mask covering his nose and mouth.

His chest moves up and down with the pressure, his eyes remain closed.

"Everyone cleared!" One of the nurses yells

Everyone hands off Griffin. She places the deliberator on his chest.

His body rises off the bed before falling back down.

I stand in the corner hand over my mouth trembling in tears.

The nurse yells again, and everything plays out in slow motion. "Cleared!"

My mind can no longer catch up with reality.

Each shock his chest sustained, feels like a strike of lighting to my chest. My hands feel numb; the sensation travels down to my toes.

My eyes slowly make their way to his heart monitor.

A long flat big bold red line burns my retina.

Someone said something, but all I could see is his body laying lifeless on the bed.

They shocked him again; his body rises off the bed and then fell back down once more.

I close my eyes, but the image of him had already been imprinted in the back of my brain.

Then just as suddenly an energy shift in the room. I open my eyes again.

"We got him!" One of the nurses yells.

I look up at his heart monitor, the green zing zang line comes back to life.

The room falls silent. All I could see is him.

It's strange to say this but I feel a flutter of wind in this very hospital room.

It feels light and cool.

It flutters, and I blink a few times.

It flutters again. His eyelids flutter once more.

I gasp.

Griffin slowly opens his eyes.

"That was one hell of an entrance, brother," Logan said as he presses his face close to his brother.

Griffin's lips turn upright weakly.

Logan steps away.

Griffin's eyes scan the room searching for something.

He slowly scans until he gets closer to mine.

A smile tugged at his lips.

"Hey" He greets

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