Chapter 46: It'll Be Ok

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We finally got back into my hospital room. Kate helps me back onto the bed before sitting down on the couch.

"I don't know what we're in for, but it's getting too intense. That man did not like us. And he's powerful. He's Henry fucking Godson, Elena. He's like the fucking godfather of this whole town." Kate panic

I don't blame her; this is getting bigger and bigger by the minute.

"Hey, we'll be ok." I try to soothe my best friend

"I-" Kate begin but was interrupted by the door open. My brother steps through running his hand over his hair, he looks stressed. He didn't look up right away, the minute he did and sees me sitting upright in bed his face lit up, the tension leave his shoulder, and rushed toward me, pulling me into a tight hug.

His hug is warm, safe, and loved are all I ever feel in his embrace.

He kisses my forehead "I'm so happy to see you awake. I thought I'll never get to see your goofy smile again."

"You look terrible," I said, smiling at him teasingly

My brother feigns a hurt look "Ouch. I never look terrible, right Kate?"

I turn to Kate; she blushes slightly looking at my brother.

"No, you never do, Elric." She said, my brother laughs and tussle my hair, and I dodge his ongoing attack.

He finally relent and went to sit on the couch next to Kate, Kate stiffens slightly but relaxes as she looks at him. He smiles at her.

I want to roll my eyes at his cluelessness but decide against it. Now is not the time.

"I got some snacks from outside. Got your favorite strawberry flavor milk." He hands it to Kate. Kate smiles from ear to ear, moving her hair behind her ear before reaching for the milk.

My brother smiled, continue looking through his snack goodies, and handed some to me.

A knock on the door, few seconds later the door opens, and a man in a white lab coat walks in.

"Good morning, everyone. My name is Dr. James, I been informed you been up and about sneaking your way back in this morning." He said holding his chart

Kate and I look at each other guiltily.

"It's ok, I'm glad you're moving, movements help with recovery. But I rather you allow us to assist you with this kind of thing. Not that Kate didn't do a fine job." He winks at Kate.

Kate giggles.

"Now back to the formal matter. We did some blood work and a few other tests, X-ray showed that your ribs and legs did sustain some serious injury, a few tendons were ribs, and your bones were cracked but are intact. I'm going to place you on a few supplements to assist with wound healing, it'll be taken twice daily with breakfast and dinner. We will assess more down the road and adjust accordingly. Your blood work also came out good." He said as he writes down a few things.

"Do you have any questions or concerns for me?" He looks at us expectedly

"When will she be discharged to go home?" My brother asks

"That all depend on her body, everyone heals differently at a different pace. But if everything goes as planned, should be able to go home sometime this week." Dr. James's response

"What about Griffin Godson?" I ask

"I can't discuss his medical treatment other than with his immediate family, unfortunately." Doctor said

"Of course. Thank you, Dr. James. I have no further questions." I respond, deflated.

"Don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions. Everyone, have a great day." He closes the door behind him.

Another knock on the door "Come in" I said

The door opens, Logan dresses in a white button up shirt, sleeves rolled up, and a strong forearm holding a bouquet.

"Elena, I was told you're awake." He smiles and hands me the flowers

"Thank you" I take the flowers and smell them before laying them down on my lap.

"Thank you for saving us" I thanked him sincerely. If Logan and his men didn't show up when they did. We wouldn't be here today.

"Hey, you fight and held out long enough for us to find you. You did great. You saved both of you." He said

Tears welled up in my eyes and were concern on his face.

"You were very strong, Elena. A lesser man wouldn't have survived what you went through." He continues

I held on to his sleeve "Your brother..."

Thousands of emotions flicker in his eyes, pain is the most prevalent.

For whatever reason, he allows me to see all his emotions.

"My brother is strong. He'll fight through this. This is just a character building phase for him, the bastard wants to take over the world. He'll wake up and conquer it all."

His throat bobs, he wants it to be true, I see it. But the opposite outcome didn't escape him either. He didn't want to voice it.

Instead, he turns away, and his eyes land on my brother.

Elric sits up straighter. If looking could burn a hole through someone, Logan would be on the floor bleeding right now.

Elric's eyes narrow as Logan keeps looking at him.

Elric turns away first.

Logan decided to take this time to move to the couch and flop down right next to Elric surprising everyone, Elric included. Kate is pushing to the far corner with Elric between them both, his thigh squeezes hers, as Logan squeezes his.

"Why the hell are you sitting here for?! Can't you see there's no room for your big ass body?" Elric said in frustration

"Where else would I sit?" Logan asks

"Stand! Fucking stand, asshole." Elric said

"But I want to sit," Logan said

"Umm I can stand-" Kate interjects

"Kate, don't you dare stand," Elric said through grit teeth

Kate remains seated unsure of what to do with this situation.

Logan looks at Elric rile up in amusement "Alright, alright fine I'll go. I got things to do anyway." He said before getting up

"Elena, it's lovely seeing you up and about. I'll be back to visit." He said then he's gone.

"That guy is trouble, don't trust him. He takes joy being under people's skin." Elric warns

"One of these days, I'm going to punch the living smug off his face," Elric said in disgust

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