𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

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"Who is this Y/N?"<•><•><•><•>

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"Who is this Y/N?"

Tom's PoV

I sighed ending the live. What the hell is shifting? "It's this!" Derek handed me his phone where a TikTok was already playing. In which a girl talked about shifting to Hogwarts.

"Shifting realities?" I asked in disbelief, "Does that even work?" I asked again scrolling through different videos. "Being Draco's girlfriend?" I mumbled scrolling through more videos.

"But not going to lie— it does look tempting" I played with Willow as he jumped into my lap, "Reliving all those memories of Hogwarts again" I sighed, "Must be great" I added and thought about knowing about shifting.

"Knowing wouldn't hurt, would it?"


It was Christmas Eve and I had learned all about shifting. It's some crazy ass shit but tempting. Watching the snow fall outside, I decided to go on TikTok live again.

"Hello, hello, hello. What up, what up, what up?" I said as I smiled at the screen. As I was singing, my eyes darted to the comment section. They were talking about some Miles Kline and his girlfriend.

Apparently his girlfriend is a huge Potterhead.

I know Miles Kline, we've auditioned for a few roles several times.

'Did you see Y/N's new video?'
'Yes, she interrupted because Tom went live'
'Hear me out— Tom and Y/N would be great together'
'Yaaas! They would look very cute!'

Who is this Y/N?

I ended my live and pulled out my notebook. "I guess, I can try shifting, not that I'll be successful but yeah, I could try! Couldn't I, Wills?" In return I got a loud bark.

"That's my good girl!" I scratched her neck and started writing my script.


- raven method
- i am actually 30 years old but in my DR I want to be 16 years old and a sixth year Slytherin

- i am of course, Draco Malfoy

- i am tall like mentioned in the books

- i am not a bully as much as I am in the books or the movies

- i am a good student with great grades

- safe word will be 'cack-a-doodle-do' because no one in any reality would say a word like this

- my dressing style should be normal, according to my type

- there are no problems in funds, like really, I'm a Malfoy for Merlin's sake!

- my own personal dorm

- astronomy tower visits frequents
- ror visits frequent

- i wanna read every book in the hogwarts library and eat all the food in the great hall

- i want my knowledge of harry potter reality in my CR to be used in my DR

- i want to experience everything there is in the books and movies

- i am straight

- i can sing flawlessly

- affirmations - 'i can shift today and i will' ' i will shift to hogwarts tonight' ' i will belong in my DR' ' i can shift back to my CR with my safe word' ' i can experience everything in my DR'


I sighed reading the script again. "I don't think I'm missing anything" I closed the book and laid in my bed in starfish position. "Wow, this is a weird position" I mumbled closing my eyes.






"This is stupid"


My mind started wandering to the girl mentioned in my live. My fans ship me with tons of girls, but she's the first one who's committed to someone else.

Who is she? What does she look like? How is she?

"Focus!" I mumbled and I started picturing Hogwarts and the train ride to it. The compartment with Pansy and Blaise.

"I can shift today and I will"
"I will shift to Hogwarts tonight"
"I will shift to Hogwarts tonight"

And just like that, I feel my body going numb— I read it, when your body goes numb it means its working! I started getting tingles throughout my body as though someone is pinching me out of my CR.

Wow, I really didn't think it would work.

According to the notes, everything should turn beaming and blinding white and when I open my eyes, I would be in my DR.

But it turned black!

Why did it turn black? Did it not work? Did I celebrate too quickly? Gosh, damn it!



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