𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎

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"Cara mia ti amo"

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"Cara mia ti amo"


"Draco" Both of our eyes went wide as we heard Narcissa call out for Draco and judging by the steps, she should be coming to the kitchen. And I was here, in her son's lap, totally naked with his bulge right below my heat. Within instinct, I grabbed my dress and hid under the kitchen counter where Draco was sitting.

He pushed his chair in a bit, so his mother wouldn't see me or his bulge.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as I heard her voice behind me, so she's on the other side of the counter and she can't see me. I put my dress down and let my hands slid up on Draco's thigh. His eyes met mine, warning that I should not misbehave.

"Did you finish making the pasta?" She asked as Draco shook his head. "No, erm..." He moved as I unzipped his pants. "I- I mean... I did, I, erm" I grabbed his cock and sat on my knees. "They didn't taste well" He added as I smirked at him. 

"Aw, I can help you-" Narcissa began saying but he stopped her, "No, I- I'll handle it, mother" He said as I put my lips on his tip. "Is, erm..." She paused, "Sorry, darling, I forgot her name again" She added as I took Draco fully making him sigh out. 

"Cordelia" He said but it came out more of a moan. Narcissa paused for a second, "Yeah, Cordelia. Isn't she here?" She asked as I licked a stripe up, but looked like Draco had something else on his mind. He jerked his hips forward making me take him in fully.

"She has her mou- erm, her hands full. She's running a little late" He said calmly smirking at me. "Oh, I like her. She's working in her own-found department, she's really beautiful" Draco grabbed my chin as I stopped to listen to Narcissa. "She is really beautiful!" Draco added as Narcissa said she was leaving.

"Especially on her knees!"


"So, you guys should be here by 8, okay?" I said as they all hummed on the phone. I sighed hanging up on the call and grabbed the apron off the hook. I turned around only to be met by the most amazing blue eyes I have ever seen. "Don't scare me!" I said trying to tie the apron at the back.

"I'll help you" Draco said quickly grabbing the ends for me, "You'll take any chance to-" He placed his lips on my neck as he left small pecks, "Do that" I said pushing him. "What are you doing now?" He asked as I grabbed a bowl.

"I am baking a cake for Pansy" I said emphasizing on the 'I' a little more for him to understand, "Fine! Fine!"  I giggled as his annoyance. "Are all the preparations done outside?" I asked taking some flour into the bowl. "Yeah, almost done. Dobby is looking into them" He said coming behind me.

HEIMAT || A D.M & T.F FANFIC ||Where stories live. Discover now