𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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"I'll make sure you make the team"

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"I'll make sure you make the team"


I sighed as I walked with Harry and Luna in the Great Hall. I took the napkin from Harry's hand, did a healing spell on the napkin that would give him relief in an instant.

"Here..." I furrowed my eyebrows when I felt eyes on me, I shook my thoughts off, "It'll help with the relief, Harry" I said as he smiled widely at me. "How do you do it, Lia!" I shrugged, "Just old magic, Potter!"

I turned around to look around the Great Hall to check if someone was actually looking at me. And I was right— two sets of eyes were on me.

Marvin Schroeder and Draco Malfoy.

Who was Marvin Schroeder? Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. I ignored him and looked at Draco to see if any memories flashed of Marvin— like how I knew his name.

Draco Malfoy— I had never seen him so dull, ever— well, except for the movies. Me— I mean, me as in Y/N— I'm a great person. I wish I could just go up to him and tell him that I knew what he was and that he could talk to me.

But me— as in Cordelia, doesn't even look at bullies. So, that's what I did, I looked away and at Marvin, knowing well that Draco's eyes followed me.

Marvin was the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team Captain, while me— I was the beater. Yeah, been playing since I was in second year, which meant that I was the best beater in the team for years and a bright student.

Reid Brady, I think I hate him more than Draco. You wanna know why? He was the only Ravenclaw that wanted me out of the team, or he would always want someone— no some other guy to take my place.

Apparently, he thinks that girls can't be beaters.

Fucking sexist asshole!

I sat next to Marvin, who was seated next to Reid. Marvin smiled at me. "Hello, pretty lady" He said as Luna sat next to me. "Hello" I bit my lip as Luna replied for me. Marvin had amazing face features and his body was great as well.

Wait, is he a character from the books or the movies?

I squinted my eyes to remember if he was a character, "Why are you looking at the mashed potatoes in anger?" He asked making me break my concentration, "Oh" I chuckled awkwardly, "Just thinking about something" I added taking some chicken pot pie in my plate.

He's not a character from the books or movies.

"Don't worry" He said as he leaned in closer, "I'm still the captain of the Quidditch Team" he continued until I could feel his hot breath on my neck and cheeks, "I'll make sure you make the team" He whispered making me bite my lip.

I cleared my throat to look at him. I had never seen him look so hot. He had green-blue eyes with pink, plump lips and a little crooked nose— just a little but it didn't falter his face.

How are you so hot?

And why is my subconscious putting so many hot guys in my DR?

I shook my head and blinked my eyes as Luna started speaking. Marvin quirked an eyebrow and smirked as I looked back at my plate. "Is the sorting over?" She asked as Cho eyed us both.

She raised her eyebrows, smiling in suspense, making me widen my eyes and shake my head. "Cho, did you hear?" Luna repeated, "Yeah, the sorting's done and the hat told us to be strong in this troubled times" Cho replied making me nod.

"Easy for it to say, right?" Reid started speaking making me roll my eyes, "It's a hat, like nothing's going to happen to it" He added as Marvin scooted closer to me.

"So, why did you miss the sorting?" He asked as I took a bite from the pot pie. "Oh, well, got caught up with Harry and Luna" I replied leaving out the part where Draco wrapped his hand around my throat.

"A very best of evening to you all" I heard Dumbledore's voice making all the heads snap to him except for one, Draco Malfoy. I sighed looking at him as he sat with his palm under his chin while his elbow rested on the table.

Everyone around him was happy and chirpy and eating the feast. I looked at his plate and it was as clean as it came. A weird feeling made me push my own plate as I diverted my attention to the headmaster.

"First off, let me introduce you to the new Potions master— Professor Slughorn" Everyone clapped as I saw Slughorn sit next to Snape, "Meanwhile, the post of the Defence against the dark arts will be taken by Professor Snape"

Everyone except for the Slytherins started to murmur as the Slytherin table rejoiced in joy. "Now, as you know that each and everyone of you were searched upon entering the school" Marvin turned to me, "Why aren't you eating anything?" He asked looking at the plate I pushed away.

I looked at Draco and he was still staring into oblivion. "Lia?" I looked at Marvin, "Just not hungry" I lied as he scoffed, "Can't have my best beater not eat her meals" He pulled the plate back towards me.

"And to quote Lupin, "Eat, you'll feel better"" I laughed forgetting all about what's going to happen in this year. "Now, off to bed! Pip-pip!" Dumbledore said making everyone get up.

"Lia, you coming?" Cho asked as I walked towards the opposite direction of the Ravenclaw tower. "No, I, erm..." I paused to look at the Slytherin table. "I think I'm gonna go take a walk" I added as they waved goodbye to me.

I put my hands in my robes and headed to stroll around the castle— it's not like I was gonna get a detention cause after all, I was the Ravenclaw prefect as well.

I stopped in the courtyard when I saw lightning strike. "I probably shouldn't be out here" I mumbled to myself, "Yeah, you shouldn't!" I flinched and turned around to see Draco in his black suit leaning against the wall.

"Oh, Rowena!" I put a hand on my chest, "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked as he pushed himself off of the wall and walked towards me. "I could ask you the same thing" He said with a quirked eyebrow.

"I happen to be a prefect" I bit my lip when I reminisced how Percy said this exact like in the first movie, "No, you're acting like you're seeing the castle for the first time, mudblood" He said making me roll my eyes.

Because I am, manwhore!

"Did you need something?" I asked ignoring him and walking to the Ravenclaw tower. "Didn't you hear Dumbledore today?" I turned to look at him, "Did you?" He nodded with his hands in his pocket.

"Yeah, trust me. Don't be out of bed unnecessarily" He warned as if I didn't know what he was or what he was going to do. "I am a-" I was cut off when he grabbed his forearm and cried in pain. "Ar- Are you okay?" I asked taking a step towards him but still keeping a safe distance.

His eyes darkened as he looked at me, "What is it to you?" I scoffed as he rubbed his forearm and stood up straight. "I don't know why I was being polite to you" I said walking to my tower. "Yeah, yeah, whatever!" I heard him yell as I took a turn to the tower.

It's gonna be a fun year!


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