𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢 𝚃𝚠𝚘

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"For you? Anything, darling"

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"For you? Anything, darling"


Y/N's PoV

"Hey, can you let me in? I'm here" I heard Tom speak through my phone's speaker as I stirred some pasta in a pot. "Oh, yeah. Coming!" I yelled and quickly turned off the gas range and ran to the door.

I clicked on the intercom and heard the beep of the security opening the date. It took me a while to get used to Miles' security system but I get it, I only understand how much security he would need.

Coming to think of it, how much security would Tom have?

Not that I'm saying my boyfriend is less popular.

"Hey" I said opening the door before Tom could knock or ring the doorbell. "Hi, darling" He replied and before I could offer him to come in, a hand snaked on my waist to pull me closer. "Oh, Miles is here" Tom said as I looked at him. 

"Yeah, big time" I said pausing to look at Tom, "He wanted to see how the first practice was going" I added making him nod. "Great" He replied half-heartedly. 

We all walked to studio that Miles had set up with all he could find for me as soon as I landed here. "Do you want to get something?" I asked Tom, "To eat?" I cleared my question, "I made dinner, I mean, if you want-" 

"No, that's okay, we can just practice and I'll get going" 


After practicing for an hour, I could see that Tom was annoyed that Miles was here. He was attentive to me and correcting, for what felt like at every part of what I was doing. I never knew I was this bad. 

"You aren't" I looked at Tom as he grabbed his jacket. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked handing him his keys. "Yeah, you did. And you're really great at what you're doing but you can always be better, right?" He said making me nod.

"I'm sorry, we didn't have all the instruments" I said making him wave his hand, "Miles insisted that we have it here-" He said, "Wait, wait, wait? Miles said that?" I interrupted him and got lost in my thoughts. 

He's not getting jealous again, is he?

"Yeah, I mean, he said that you had everything and I can help you here" Tom said making me look at him again. "No, it's fine. We can meet anywhere but here now. I mean--" "Yeah, we can meet at my house!" He said quickly making me smile. "Sure, we can meet at your house..." I trailed off for him to tell me when.

"Tomorrow?" He asked, "So early? I mean, I don't want to disrupt your schedule" I said grabbing the door knob. "For you? Anything, darling"

Oh, that darling.

After I watched Tom's car roll out of the gates, I turned to look for Miles in the house. He cannot go and make decisions for me. "Miles?" I called out and turned on the gas to reheat the pasta I made for dinner. "Yeah, baby" He said from behind me. He was just putting his phone in his pocket. 

"Did you tell Tom that we have to have the practice here? In the house?" I asked as he started to look around, "Miles. I thought we were through this" I said sighing loudly, "I thought you were past your jealousy. With all the James thing, I thought you don't do that anymore"

"I... I'm sorry, I just... I know with whatever... that James thing was and I even thought that I was past this" He paused making me shake my head, "But you're basically the biggest fan of this guy and I don't want to lose you to him" He said not meeting my eyes. 

No, but looks like you already lost me to Draco Malfoy.

"You could never lose me, baby" I said walking to him. I rested my hands on his chest while his hands on my waist, "I love you. You know that, Miles. But you cannot go and make decisions for me on my life" I added as he nodded in understanding. 

"So, we're going to have the practice at his place from now on" His eyes turned black in anger and his grip tightened on my waist. "I will try to come on terms with that" I smiled and pecked his lips. 

"Now, let me show you... how you'll never lose me"


"Wait, wait, wait" Amy spoke up as we had coffee at the dining table, "So, from now on you're going to practice at his house?" She added in pure jealousy, "You're going to get a chance to see Draco Malfoy's house!"

"No, I'm going to see Tom Felton's house. Amy, baby, they're two different people and one is fictional"

Whom I fell in love with when I shifted.

"But I have a surprise for you two" I said putting the mug down, "And I'm not telling you that cause it's Tom's place to and he'll tell you soon" I added making both of them groan. "So, how was the practice?" Isla asked making me sigh. 

"I don't know. I mean, of course, it was great" I paused, "But it feels so familiar... I" I let out another sigh thinking back to a few hours. "It feels that we have heard each other sing before. I mean, I have and I think he has too" I shook my head, "We haven't... Not like this, right?" 

They both shrugged looking at me like I had gone crazy.

"Never mind" I said getting up to put my mug in the sink. My phone dinged with a tune I only set for Tom. 

hey, i'll see you tomorrow?

yeah, i think we discussed that.
are you finding excuses to talk to me?

What am I doing?

i'll pick you up?

or you can send your address?
and I can be there?

i mean, i don't trust the internet

I chuckled and kept typing walking to my room. 

This will be fun.


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