𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚢

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"Can I move in with Tom?"

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"Can I move in with Tom?"


I picked up one of Amy's jeans as my mind jumped to a pained memory.

"That guy pushed me in the ground!" I cried rubbing my bruised elbow. "Who?" Rang a young Amy's voice in my mind. "I'm going to push him too" She added as I saw her march towards the guy.

"No, Amy!" I pulled her in my sweet, almost trembling voice. "He's not worth it. Plus I don't want your mom to find out that you did it for me and then we'd never have sleepovers at each other's" I added as she fumed at the guy.

Stuffing all of Amy's clothes in her bag, I threw the bag in the living room and huffed. "What are you— Why is my bag out?" I heard Amy say and I looked up with tear filled eyes. Where is the sweet, little girl who was ready to push a guy, almost twice her size for me? "Because you can go and live with my cheating of an ex-boyfriend and fuck him all day!" I yelled as the door opened revealing Tom. 

"You can't just kick me out. You need the other roommates' approval" She said as I rolled my eyes when Miles kneeled in front of me. "Oho, don't look at me for that. You're out of this apartment, bitch" Isla said making me smile a little. 


"Please baby, I... Amy said you were cheating on me-" Miles said as I cut him off, "And you believed her?" I shook my head, "Really, Miles?" I said looking at him. "Please she said that Tom and you were—"

"I knew it!" I burst and stood up, "You were always jealous of me and him. Why Amy, why did you do this?" I mumbled as she yelled. "Because!" I looked up from the ground. "Because you always get EVERYTHING!" She took a step closer to me and I think with instinct, Tom took a step closer to me as well. 

"Because I was tired of you being the main character of my life!" Another step. "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" She scoffed, "You took everything from me. Everything!" Her eyes teared as she continued. "We have known each other since kindergarten, don't we? Didn't you realize I was in love with Miles in high school?" I closed my eyes, "I love to sing, but no! Who gets to be the lead singer?" She looked around.


"Miles falls in love with who? Y/N!"

"Just because Miles didn't love you back or that he loved me—you did this?" I asked dropping to the couch. "That's not it, is it?" She asked rhetorically, "Everywhere we go, you steal the spotlight" She shook her head, "You got to be the lead singer" 

"You got to take the concert with Tom"

"You are the famous actor's girlfriend, you have thousands of fans, 'You' is all everyone thinks"

"You got the concert fucking perfect even after I tried to fuck up your music system" She said, "What?" Tom and Isla asked together, "That was you?" Tom added coming forward, Amy looked at him, "Everyone wants you and I'm always sidelined"

"Even Tom. He fucking loves you and you are the only person he wants"

I looked at Tom, but he just stood there, "He doesn't" I said standing up, "And don't bring him into this! This is about how you cheated on me, how you threw years of friendship away, how I thought you were my sister, how- "

"Who cares about you?!" She shouted making me flinch, "I'm glad Miles hit you!" A gasp left my lips as I heard Isla slap Amy, "OUT! Both of you! And if I ever see you around me or Y/N or Derek or Tom, I'll fucking call the police!" She pushed them out and threw Amy's bag at them.

"Is she right?" I asked as Tom sat me down on the couch. "Did I deserve that because I ruined her life?" I asked as Derek offered me a glass of water. "No! No! Ok, don't think that" Isla said, "No, darling. You're the most beautiful soul I have ever met. You can't and don't deserve a relationship like that or a friendship like that" I smiled as I rested my head on his chest.


"Yes, baby?"

"Can I move in with Tom?" I closed my eyes, "This place is closer to Miles' and this holds a lots of memories for me, with both of them-" She put a hand on my hand, "Yes, yes, you can!" I looked up at Tom, "Can I?"

"When have I ever said no to you?"

"Never. Plus I think these two need to stay together" I said pointing at Isla and Derek. "Wha- How did you?" Derek asked making me roll my eyes, "Please! Like you two were ever discreet"


"Can you grab that book from under the pillow?" I asked Tom as Isla and Derek help me pack my stuff. "Why do you keep it there?" He laughed a little when he picked it up, "Is it because it is the one you're currently reading?" He added as I dumbfoundedly looked at him.

"Yes, exactly. Exactly that" He looked up with an alarmed expression. "How do you know that? No one except Amy or Isla know that" I said grabbing the book to check my bookmark. "Oh, um" He pauses, I think, to think, "You know what? You let me in on it, too. I, um, remember now" He pinched the bridge of his nose, "You told me when Amy was mad at you"


"You know what? You're practically my best friend now, I think I did" I smiled making him sigh. "I remember you are very particular about your bookmark too" I turn around quickly and he covers up with, "I guess?" He smiled making me nod, "Yes, I mean, of course I am" I said stuffing the book away.

"Well, I don't want to live here too, you know, if you're not here" Isla said as she got off of a ladder. "Ouch" Derek said sarcastically making me laugh a little. "Not like that-"

"If you don't mind, I mean, you can come over too with us" Tom suggested making me look at him, "I would be much, much relieved if you were there when I'm not and Y/N would also love to have you there, I mean, I think she will" I looked at the man next to me. So considerate, so caring, so kind and so polite.

Why did he ever play a character such as Draco?

"Sometimes I ask that too" I flinched as I heard Derek's voice pull me out of the trance. "Don't worry, he didn't hear you and your secret is safe with me" I looked at him puzzled, "What secret?" I asked him making him stop.

"Please, with all the girlfriends he has had, no one, NONE of them have looked at him like you do. And I know you're just his friend but there is something here, more than something that you both keep denying"

"What are you trying to say, D? Be clear"

"That you both love each other but keep denying or dodging the truth"


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