𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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"Oh, why because you wanna sit with your boy-toy Diggory?"

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"Oh, why because you wanna sit with your boy-toy Diggory?"


The next day, like Y/N, I woke up late. "Come on, Lia! Couldn't you have woken up on time in your DR?" I cursed myself as I hurried to put on my skirt and Oxford shirt. I put a spell on my hair and tied a high but messy ponytail while Luna helped me with my blue tie. "Here's a banana!" Cho threw it at me, "I'm not going to bring it to you everyday. Just because I knew you came back late yesterday night because of your prefect duties, I am doing this for you!" She rambled as I put on my robes.

"Aw, Cho!" I said putting a hand on my heart, "I know you will do this again because you love me" I said picking up my bag and stuffing it with my Charms textbook. She looked at me for a second, "Damn, you're right!" I giggled and pecked the girl's cheek and headed to Professor Flitwick's class.

"Oh, please, you're like his favorite student!" Cho said as we ran to the class, "He's not going to give you detention" She added making me roll my eyes. "No one— What the hell?!" I cut myself off when I saw Parkinson in the class.

We always have class with Hufflepuffs.

"Why are the Slytherins here?" I said looking at Draco as he sat on the last bench, in silence and staring into oblivion. "I don't know" Luna replied as the both of them took a seat next to each other, leaving me with...

Draco Malfoy.

"Of course" I mumbled and walked over to the last bench to sit next to the hottest bully Hogwarts had ever seen. He jerked his head to look at me, look around the class, and I swear I could see a little, tiniest smile on his face or maybe I was just imagining. I rolled my eyes as he shifted to the farthest corner of the desk, away from me.

I won't even have to sit with him for longer cause Professor Flitwick would already have a seating arrangement. "Good, eh, good morning, class" Flitwick said as he hurried to the stage. "Well, I didn't have much time to arrange for this class, so, without further ado, I will go with the flow" He said turning to the blackboard.

"Oh, eh, also, these will be your seats for the rest of the year or even till you graduate" He said turning around. I groaned as some— no, almost everyone rejoiced with their partners. "Oh, hell, no!" I said as Draco looked at me. "Exactly!" He added agreeing with me. "I am not going to spend two years sitting next to someone who has dirty blood!"

We were the only pair that was Ravenclaw-Slytherin. Others were either sitting with friends from their own house or with strangers but from their house.

"Even I-" I was cut off by Flitwick, "Mr. Malfoy!" He shouted as I looked at him, "There will be no name-calling in my class!" He added as I nodded as Draco groaned and mumbled, "People like her shouldn't even have the right to live" I gasped and so did the others in class as he was not quiet as he thought he was. "You know what? Now, every class that you share with the Ravenclaws, you're sharing a seat with Miss Irvine"

HEIMAT || A D.M & T.F FANFIC ||Where stories live. Discover now