𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎

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"They won't think twice before killing a muggle born"

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"They won't think twice before killing a muggle born"


I was sitting in the RoR when the door opened, of course, it was Draco. I closed my book and saw him distressed. "What is it, baby?" I asked as he sat down on the floor near my legs.

"I'm just... so tired" He said grabbing his hair in his hands, "I think I might have to use your Liquid Luck" He said looking at the vanishing cabinet, I quickly sat next to him, "Of course, you can, Drac" I said as he looked at me, "That is why I gave it you, remember?" He nodded and pulled me in his lap.

"Have I ever told you I always liked you in your glasses?" I adjusted myself as he talked to me, "No" I paused wrapping my arms around him, "That's why you made fun of me, didn't you?" I rolled my eyes at him as he chuckled.

"No, I just— what are you doing?" He asked as I placed my glasses on his face. I bit my lip as he adjusted the glasses, "Do I look sexy, darling?" He asked pulling me closer. I nodded looking at his face, "Very sexy?" I rolled my eyes and hit his chest.

"Don't gloat, Malfoy" I said as he started laughing. It was the purest thing to see him laugh in times like this, "Oh, Draco" I blushed joining our foreheads. "Oh, Cordelia" He replied still laughing.

I wish I could take you back with me...


I shook my leg in anxiety as I waited outside the hospital wing for Miss Pomfrey to complete her remedies. "It's going to be fine" Pansy said as I shook my head, "Miss Irvine" We heard Snape making me look up with tears in my eyes.

He squinted his eyes, "May I know why you're not in Herbology with the other Ravenclaws?" He asked as I scoffed, "Because Harry fucking Potter-" He groaned, "Language, Miss Irvine!" I rolled my eyes, "I could give two shits about my language! He cast a spell on him" I stood up.

"If he does not get more than just detention... I will literally use this spell on him, if I have to!" I said as the door opened, "Ho-How is he?" I wiped my tears and ran to Madam Pomfrey. "He's taking rest" I sighed, "Good thing Severus got him here on time" She added as I looked at him.

I pulled him in a hug quickly, "Wha- What are you doing, Miss Irvine?" He said as I tightened my grip, "Thank you, Professor" I mumbled as he groaned, "Verbal communication would have sufficed" He said pulling me off as Pansy and the others laughed.

I walked to Draco's bed and sat next to him, "Didn't Madam Pomfrey say that I'm resting?" I smiled as he opened one eye and shut close the other, "I just wanted to see you" I said moving some of his hair from his forehead.

HEIMAT || A D.M & T.F FANFIC ||Where stories live. Discover now