𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢

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"Oh, I'm like you, a Hufflepuff"

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"Oh, I'm like you, a Hufflepuff"


Tom's PoV

"Hey, buddy. You okay?" I heard Derek ask as I sat on the coffee table drinking my coffee. "I... I think so" I said staring at the window. "Penny for your thoughts then?" He asked making me sigh. "You were there, weren't you? The live where my fans talked about shifting?" He nodded making me continue, "Yeah, I think I tried and succeeded on my first try" 

"Oh, wow! I heard from one of my friends whose sister shifts and rambles about it every time we meet and she did say that it's hard" He explained making me nod, "Yeah, that's what and that's not the only thing weird" I paused thinking about Cordelia.

My gorgeous, gorgeous girl. 

"There was this girl" I smiled making him raise his eyebrows, "She was... she was not from the books or from the movies, she was new" I shook my head, "She was there and helped me through it and I made it to the end!" I said looking at him, "I mean, we were about to get married, I guess-"

"What about Astoria?" He asked making me smile, "It's a long story, Derek. She was there and it was not Jade before you ask, she was a different woman" I said making him laugh, "Well, then, buddy. It's just 10 in the morning and you and I both have the whole day" He said making me smile.

"Okay, so I shifted in the sixth year...."


"Oh, wow! That's... that's a lot" He said as I got my phone, "Yeah, it is and I can't believe I survived it. I mean, I have to give it to the Cordelia girl, if she wasn't there, I am sure, as hell, that I wouldn't have made it to the end" I said putting my phone on the stand.

"Okay... hello, muggles and wizards and witches" I said as soon as I started the live. "Alright, what do you guys want me to sing?" I said as a lot of song request scrolled through the screen but my mind went to me singing 'Return to me' to Cordelia.

God, I wish she was real.

And that she was mine.

After singing a song for all of them, I started accepting the first account I saw. @y/n_y/l/n. Isn't she, that actor Miles' girlfriend? I accepted her and saw Willow sniffing my leg, "Hey, darling, what are you doing?" I asked her pulling the lace of my shoe from her mouth. "No, no, come on, you're a good girl!" I added as she pulled away.

"Hey-" My eyes stuck as I saw the girl on the screen. She had beautiful eyes, making me feel at home. Why do I have a feeling that I have seen those eyes? "Hey, darling" I said making her cheeks flush. I smiled as she giggled with her friends. "Hey, Tom, how do you do?" She asked with her beautiful voice.

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