𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎

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"Um, just... stay away from Malfoy"

"Come on, quickly!" Luna said pulling me as the black train arrived whistling white smoke at the platform. "Rowena, Luna! We're not going to miss the train" I said as the helper helped us load our luggage.

"Ugh! I know, I have a charm bracelet which will let the nargles away so that they won't make us late. But hurry, I wanna see my boyfriend!" I thanked the helper as she pulled me towards the Slytherin compartment.

I didn't even get to enjoy and memorize the view of the platform or the train arriving.

"Delia!" I heard a voice from behind me making Luna drop my hand and run towards her boyfriend who was waiting for her near the Slytherin compartment. "Georgie!" I said as he pulled me in a hug. "I thought you weren't coming" I said as I pulled away.

I wore a pleated skirt with a short white sweater with polo neck. As I hugged George, my sweater rode up making his warm hands come in contact with my bare skin.

 As I hugged George, my sweater rode up making his warm hands come in contact with my bare skin

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"Why did you think that?" He asked pretending to be hurt by my words. "Well, now that you are the co-owner of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, I thought you might be busy" I said as he smiled, "I always have time for my favourite person in the world" He flirted making me roll my eyes.

"So, I'm your favourite person?" I asked folding my hands over my chest. "Yeah, but don't tell Freddie that" He joked making me laugh. "It would be weird to not have you around Hogwarts anymore" I said sadly as memories flooded into my mind.

"Hey, you can always owl!" He said making me nod. "But it won't be the same, would it? I won't be able to see you walking to your next class or in the commons or at the Gryffindor Table or in the Quidditch Pitch where I'm beating your ass" I said as he smiled.

"I know, I'll miss you too" He said placing his hands on my waist, "I never said I'd miss you" I smirked as he shook his head scoffing a little. "Hey, Harry" I said as he walked right past me.

George and I furrowed our eyebrows, "He might be in deep thought" I said as George bend down to peck my cheek. "See you at Christmas, love" He mumbled. "Well, I'm not sure where I'll be at Christmas" He nodded as I pecked his cheek in return.

"See you!" I said running to Harry. "Harry!" He flinched as I linked our arms. "Sorry, there, I didn't mean to startle you" I said as he smiled. "You seemed in deep thought" I said as he nodded. "Something troubling you?" I asked as we stopped right before boarding the train.

"Um, just... stay away from Malfoy" He said making me furrow my eyebrows.

I mean, I plan to stay away!

"Is everything okay?" I asked as he boarded on the train and offered his hand up for me to grab. "Mhm, it is. Till you listen to me" He said making me smile. "You're like one of my best friends and Ginny's best friend, so... I have to take care of you" He said as we reached my compartment.

"Oh, look at you! Being the bestest of friends and all" I pecked his cheek making him laugh a little. It's honestly great to see the Harry Potter smile after everything he's been through.

And will go through that only I know of.

"Hey, Dels! What was that?" Cedric asked wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled myself and took a Quibbler from Luna, "Nothing" I murmured reading the Quibbler.

"Will you help me sell these, Lia?" Luna asked sweetly as Cedric and Cho got busy talking. "Of course!" I beamed, "What are Wrackspurts?" I asked but I already knew the answer to it.

"Oh, they're invisible creatures! They float in your ear, make your brain go all fuzzy" I nodded as we left to sell Quibbler around the train. "Quibbler!" I said opening a compartment door with Neville and a few others in it.


I sighed as I fought an urge with myself. Cedric eyed me suspiciously, "Why are you walking to and from the door?" He asked as I thought, "I gotta pee real bad and the toilet's through the end" I said as he chuckled.

"What? You're too lazy to walk there?" I rolled ny eyes as I hit him with the Quibbler. "No! The Slytherins are in the last compartment. I'd have to go through them" I sighed as Luna sat beside me.

I'd have to go through Draco Malfoy.

"And? Oh, come on. We're still far away from Hogwarts. You can't possibly hold it till then" He said as I looked at the door once again. "Do you want me to come with you, Dels?" He asked making me look at him.

"No, Cho's asleep on your shoulder. Don't disturb her" I said standing up and straightening my short skirt. "I'll be fine" I mumbled leaving the compartment but not before hearing 'Yeah! You're my raven! Eat those snakes for dinner' from Cedric.

I sighed once again as I reached the last compartment. I saw Draco talk with Pansy and Blaise— just like the movies. "Ok, I seriously can't control now!" I said to myself and opened the door.

"Hogwarts! What a pathetic excuse for a school!" I heard Draco say as I walked past him. Wow, he didn't say anything— that's a first. "Lost your way, mudblood?"

There it is!

I just ignored him and opened the other door only to find a line. I rolled my eyes and waited behind Astoria. "Hey, Irvine" She said smiling lightly. "Hi" I said replying the same gesture. Luckily, after few minutes, just as it was my turn, "Mudblood" I balled my fists and turned around.

Enough is enough!

"Manwhore" I said with a quirked eyebrow as Draco scoffed. "Be quick in there!" He said leaning his back against the wall. I turned back around but before going in, I saw Draco check my ass out.

"I knew Draco Malfoy was a bully..." I turned around and held the door. "What I didn't know is that he's also a pervert" He scoffed as I closed the door.

I smirked as an idea popped into my head. After finishing my business, "All yours" I said as he walked past me bumping his shoulder to mine. He closed the door and I waited- "Bloody hell!" I laughed as I heard him groan.

I put a spell, so instead of him flushing down the toilet, the water would spill on him. "You bitch!" He said opening the door angrily.

Probably should've left while I had the chance.

"My father will hear about this!" He said trying to brush the water off of him. "Oh, really. I didn't know you could send letters to Azkaban" His eyes shot up and he pushed me against the wall with his hand wrapped around my throat.

"You know what I do to people who talk to me like that?" He said looking at my face up and down but not forgetting to fixate his eyes on my lips for a second or two. Our breaths mingled as we breathed out when our bodies were pressed up against each other's.

Why the fuck do I find this hot?

"Cry to your pathetic excuse of a father?"


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