𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎

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"Weren't you like

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"Weren't you like... expelled a few months ago"


Draco's POV/Tom's POV




Oh, boy!




Oh my God!

How the hell did I shift?

How the hell did I shift on the first try?

Might I add, bad year to shift to, if you're Draco Malfoy?

And why am I being so rude? I mean, I know I'm Draco Malfoy, but I also scripted that I will not bully as much as the book-mentioned-Draco-Malfoy. I already know, Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, Harry, Hermione and Ron and the others.

But who is Cordelia?

She does not look like she's from the books, or the movies. I would remember such a beautiful girl. I mean, I've read the books, she's not in them.

Well, whatever, it's so fun being back. And I think I need to dial it down a little on the bullying.

I was interrupted with my thinking when the students began wooing and whistling because someone walked to the dance floor. Parkinson. I sighed as Goyle handed me a drink, but my eyes darted at the girl dancing with her.

"Is that... no, can't be" I mumbled as Blaise sat next to me. "Yeah, she is. She's the talk of the party" He said sipping his fire-whiskey. "Talk of the party? That girl, the one that wears glasses, the one who's right behind Granger in every class, the one who wear skirts down her knees, I don't think so" I said sipping my own drink.

"Wow, you didn't say 'Mudblood'" He said looking at me but I simply ignored. "That is not her" I said shaking my head, "Then how did you know it was her? I didn't even say her name" He asked as the girl turned around, as Parkinson let her grind on her. My jaw dropped as I saw her, though the dancefloor of the common room was away, I would have recognized the smile miles away.

She was wearing a short black dress, hugging her skin just perfectly, that I would have never imagined she would wear. She was already the tallest girl in the year, well, not taller than me, yet she was wearing heels, fearlessly- like she didn't care about any judgement. My eyes darted to her thighs and up and down her body as she moved her hips.

"They know exactly what they're doing, don't they?" I said as I saw Parkinson's hands on Irvine's waist, no, on her ass. I gave a nod to Astoria as she sat next to me. "Hey, Draco" She said politely. "Hey" I mumbled and looked back at Irvine dancing.

You could be more polite, you know, she's going to be your wife.

"I'll be back" I said as I saw Irvine walk to the bar. "So, beer, it is, love" I heard George say to her as I interrupted, "Beer?" I looked at her as she turned around, "She doesn't drink that" I added nodding to the guy at the bar, "One fire-whiskey with ice" Irvine rolled her eyes, "They don't have it anymore, that's why I said yes to the beer" She explained turning back to the bar.

"Here" I said putting some ice in my drink, "You can have mine" I said as she looked at it suspiciously, "For one, I am never taking a drink from you, like ever. Two, why are you being nice? And three, how did you know I take my drink like this?" She said taking the beer, making George snicker.

I turned to him, "What are you even doing here?" I asked, "Weren't you.. like expelled, a few months ago?" I said sarcastically making both of them roll their eyes. "The drink's clean, except for Luna's tonic" Cordelia turned to me and shot me a fake smile, "Save me a dance, why don't you, Manwhore?" she said and went with the Weasley twin to dance.

After when the common room was deserted with hardly any students left, "You enjoyed yourself, today, didn't you, Parkinson?" I said as she lay her head on my shoulder, "Oh, yeah. Irvine was fiiiinnnneeeee" I rolled my eyes and looked around to see just her and Luna at the bar. I stood up quickly, "Ugh! I was sleeping, you bitch!" I heard Pansy say as she rubbed her head, "Sorry, darling" I said pecking her head and going to the bar.

"Hey, Luna!" I said as she helped Irvine up, "Hi, Draco, can you help me get Cordelia to our room, she had a little too much to drink" I nodded as I slipped my hand to her waist and she flung an arm around my shoulder, "Luna, is this Draco?" I swear, I felt my heart flip as she said my name, my first name.

"How is he being so nice, today? Was there something in your tonic?" She asked as we walked out the Slytherin common room. "I'm always nice" I added as she started laughing hysterically, taking her arms off of us and clapping it as she pointed her finger at me and kept laughing. "You..." another finger pointed, "Nice?" And still laughing.

"Honestly, if you were any slower, you'd be going backwards" She mimicked me, "I really loved your hair at that time, slicked back with... I assume, so much gel" I furrowed my eyebrows as she started to walk in the wrong direction, "Don't mind her, like I told you, she's had too much to drink" I nodded and pulled her to the direction of her tower.

"Thank you, Draco" Luna said sweetly, making me smile softly. "She'll probably not remember any of this tomorrow and then you two will start bickering again" She added as Cordelia listened to the eagle give her a riddle, "The Nargles might be at it" I furrowed my eyebrows, "But don't worry, I slipped a charmed pearl in your pocket, it'll make them go away" She nodded when the door opened.

I didn't understand how Cordelia answered the riddle, she was drunk as piss.

I sighed loudly and looked around the Ravenclaw Tower, "Well, no one around" I walked towards the stairs, "Time to repair the Vanishing Cabinet"


I started shaking my head when the spell didn't work. I walked around the cabinet a few times, "This should work, I tried this last night too" I let out a sharp breath, "This has to work!" I said taking the small bird in my hand. "This has to work" I mumbled quietly and placed the bird inside the cabinet.

If this doesn't work, I will seriously use my safe word,

"Do one thing, erm, I've seen this before..." I said as I thought I heard something, "Please don't die on me" I added and closed the door. "Harmonia Nectere Passus" I murmured as heard a click. I closed my eyes as I walked to the cabinet. I opened the door and fell to my knees.

"No!" I said as my voice broke, "No, no, no, no" I had started crying at the dead bird in the cabinet. "Malfoy?" I heard a voice behind me and I didn't even have to turn around to look who it was. "Wh-What is it?" Irvine asked, "The- The bird... I didn't know- what, I th-thought was right" I sobbed pointing at the bird.

"Oh, oka- alright. C'here" She bent down and pulled me in a hug awkwardly. "See" I heard her mumbling something and right after, I heard some chirping. I looked up quickly and saw the bird alive, "It's all fine now" I said and she nodded. "How?"

"Just old magic, Malfoy"


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