𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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"She's very particular about her bookmark"

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"She's very particular about her bookmark"


It had been another two weeks that Draco and I had been sneaking out of classes or at nights to repair the cabinet, well, not me. We all clearly remember he said that I will never repair the cabinet. And as far as the kiss goes, neither have I nor Draco brought up that incident. 

It's good he hasn't.

"Let's go!" Draco mumbled taking my hand as we saw Filch clear the seventh floor. "Quickly-" Before he could complete his sentence, my body bumped into another as Draco's hand left mine and I fell to the ground. "My suspicions were right" I looked up rubbing my head. "Ced" I said as he helped me up.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked looking back at me and then at Draco, who was anxiously looking around. "You can go ahead, I'll be right in" He looked at Cedric and went to the RoR. "Well?" Ced asked as we both saw the door disappear. "I'm helping him, Cedric" His eyes went wide and I knew what I feared, will come now. 

"What?" He whisper yelled, "Why didn't you tell me? How long has this been going on? And what are you doing at night? Is this why you've been skipping classes? And is this just helping or are you actually liking him now, hm?" He paused to take a breather as I rolled my eyes.

"Because I knew you'd react exactly the way you did. I knew you'd be angry-"

"I'm not angry" I looked up as he pulled me in an hug. "You're the most sweetest person I know, I also know that you won't be manipulated so easily, so I know that Malfoy didn't influence you or anything" I wrapped my arms around him, "But you're also the angriest, meanest, sarcastic person I'll know when someone hurts you, so I also know that if Malfoy tries anything, you'll 'Avada Kedavra' the bitch" I chuckled a little as he pulled away. 

"You know a lot of things about me" I said as he shrugged, "Um... People just don't call me Cordelia's best friend for nothing!" He said proudly making me smile a little. "Did you- Did you give him the-" I shook my head, "No, I'm just here for whatever he's doing" I paused, "If he does not succeed, then I'll give him the Liquid Luck" I added looking at the wall.

"Did you keep some aside for you?" I lied by nodding as he sighed. "I should head in" I said pointing at the wall making him nod. "If you need anything- AT ANYTIME, you tell me, get it?" He said making me smile. "Of course" I tiptoes to peck his cheek. He waited for me till the door disappeared. 

As I was walking to the cabinet, I saw Draco struggling and giving up. He looked at me but before I could say anything, "I'll be back!" He mumbled angrily and left the RoR. I squinted my eyes and looked at where he went. I shook my head and sat on the couch knowing he just went to cool off.

"Don't look at me like that" I said looking at the cabinet. "I'm not going to repair you" I said rolling my eyes, "I'm going to repair you, aren't I?" I growled thinking how much this task was hurting Draco. "Damn it!" I mumbled and stood up.

I pulled out my wand from my PJs and pointed at the cabinet. "Harm-" I flinched as I heard a bird chirp in the room, "WHAT THE HELL?" I heard Draco but before I could turn around, he did that for me and pushed me up against the cabinet. His hands grabbed my wrists while the other on my throat.

Oh God.

"What. Were. You. Doing?" He seethed through his teeth. "No-Nothing" I lied as his hand squeezed around my throat, "I give you one chance" He paused and looked at my lips, "Do not lie. What were you doing?" He asked as I closed my eyes, "Fine! I was trying to repair the cabinet" I said as his grip loosened but didn't leave. 

"What? Why?" He asked, "Why?" I pushed him off of me. "I cannot see you like this, everyday, Draco, it hurts" I said looking at his angry face. "Why? Why do you care, hm? We're not in a relationship" He said, his face turning as red as it could be.

"Hell! We're not even friends!"

A small gasp left my lips as my eyes filled with tears, "So, we're strangers?" I asked giving him a chance to change his answer because I thought I saw a tiny bit of guilt when he said we're not even friends. "Yeah" He said making a tear roll down my cheek. I walked a step closer to him, "Oh, so strangers get worried when the other person wants to walk from the station to the castle on a dark night?" Another step, "So, strangers worry about when another has a breakdown?" 

Another step.

"Strangers get worried when they hit the other with a Bludger? Strangers come to see the other when they're in hospital beds?" I didn't realize as to how close we were standing, "And strangers give their Liquid Luck to the other?" I said pulling out the small vial and shoving it against his chest and leaving the room, while wiping my tears.


Draco's PoV

"What did you do?" I was asked by Pansy as she angrily marched to my room. "What?" I asked as she rolled her eyes, "I just found Lia. She told me you made her cry" She said closing the door behind, "Wait, since when are you and Cordelia friends?" I asked standing up. "Since we talk about you" She said but quickly covered it with a small squeal.

"What do you talk about me?" I smirked as she rolled her eyes, "Doesn't matter" She hit my bare chest, "Why did you tell her that?" She asked as guilt washed over my face. "I didn't mean to!" I sighed, "She was repairing the cabinet, what if she did that? I don't want that conscious on her hands" I said as Pansy sighed.

"What are you going to do about it?" She folded her hands over her chest, "Are you going to apologize?" She asked as I smirked, "I have something better in mind"

The next morning, when I knew Ravenclaws had their classes with Hufflepuffs, I sneaked into the common room, pretty easily, might I add, the riddle was very easy, I asked a first year, "Do you know where Cordelia Irvine's dorm is?" The little feared me, "Don't worry, I'm not doing anything to you" I added and I knew she might know because Cordelia is a prefect. 

"Second floor, fourth door to the left" The girl smiled as I pecked her head. I quickly climbed the stairs, "One... Two... Three... Aha!" I said as I turned the knob to open the door. I looked at room and I knew which bed was Cordelia's because it was filled with books and books. "Hey, Draco" I flinched as I turned around.

"Luna" I sighed as I started searching Romeo and Juliet on her bed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" She said sweetly and sat on her bed, "Why aren't you in Herbology?" I asked picking up a novel, "My stomach feels odd. I suspect Nargles have something to do with it" She said making me smile. "Do you know where Cordelia keeps her Romeo and Juliet?" I asked as she stood up. 

"She asked me to get it at breakfast but I forgot" I said as she picked up her pillow, "If it's a current book she's reading, she always keeps it under her pillow" She informed me making me nod. "Just be careful of the bookmark" She said handing me the book, "She's very particular about her bookmark" I nodded and pecked her head. 

"Thank you, Luna"

My next stop, the library.


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